I am sorry you are having a tough time, but there are a lot of different answers for that. In both your public and private chart, 2023 and 2024 are all about making it work with the other person. Academic Career. The old restrictions and obstacles preventing a property move disappear. It is the cycle when Millennials come to work for you and change your life. 08 Sagittarius 49 28 Libra 02 08 Short Journeys. You and your partner will save a lot of money, or make it, by May 2023, so it may be that the price is right on a house, or either/both of you gain more finance. Jupiter is on your side. It is extremely important that you put your health and wellbeing first from March. Makes it feel like a community and not alone during this tough time. Transiting Apollo conjunct Ops at 20 Libra Hypnosis. The parents on either side are usually brought in at some point. Again, its a holiday. You have stelliums in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn. Thanks for a response, if you have time. No more travel without protection no more casual sex without the protection of a HEPA filter or UVC light in the room. Nice man too. Find out how others got through the same issues. Capricorn rules your Tenth House not your Fourth. Dont listen to that noise! Family members may have been a worry for you and so on. The latter I have always regretted. Put her together with Saturn and you are always able to solve every issue Saturn gives you with the money, business, charity, house, apartment, valuables. His lifestyle, workload and way of life his wellbeing is also in the zone for tremendous change from May 2023 when at last the opportunities for improvement are there, along with quite a radical reshaping of what was there before. March 2023 is the turning point when the negative situation with the house stops and you are offered a choice to either fix the home or move you would be offered the choice no later than June. You live in a cage. On a more personal note, Virgo is about your own self-care, your mind, body and spirit. In Virgo, we are talking about health and wellbeing on all levels. Obstruction Your Saturn Return is typically as you approach the age of 30 and deal with marriage, which restricts you to one partner for the rest of your life. Saturn and Venus are in your Fourth House of family, not your Seventh House of marriage. Happy Lunar New Year. Mental Health. The Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio, is about sexual relationships which are a potential threat. The stretching, straining and compromising ends in July 2023 when the nodal opposition in Scorpio-Taurus also ends. May 21: Sun enters Gemini. It was a definite learning experience with a lot of growth, but also very painful at times and with a lot of hard lessons. I was born July 3, 1972 at 7:14 am in New York. I remembered trying to have a reasonable conversation about sexuality and sin/harm with my dad back then and his only defense of homophobia was that he believed I was hurting god. Thank you. 29 She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). The desire to heal and purify the world is present, but in a way that is more clinical and detached, and less attuned to the realities of living in the material world. In its place comes a massive new challenge to change. Happy New Year, what a flurry of articles you have provided! You can transform your career, your love life, and your lifestyle, if youre ready. You have a pattern at 25, 26, 27 degrees including Saturn at 26 Cancer, the sign ruling the Fourth House of family, home, household, town and country. If you look at the paintings, sculpture and art work portraying Saturn over the last 2000 years of Western civilisation (founded by the Romans) you will find Saturn with a scythe; Saturn decorating clocks; Saturn holding an hour-glass. Sun The questions of purpose and the loss of external or internal structures will still happen, but it will be more conscious and overtly chosen, as opposed to something that compels you from the outside. You are on track to find the most meaningful and rewarding sort of work you have done in years, Lynne, and knowing you have a good, strong purpose you love every day will also help, as it is a powerful reason to be fit again. Its always hard to end relationshipsespecially with people youve known forev. Mars Retrograde is in Gemini, which rules brothers and sisters. You know many children on the spectrum are drawn to water. Thank you very much for your effort. 22 Aquarius 23 I have also been dealing successfully with some health issues and am in the midst of ongoing positive lifestyle changes. There has to be a rewarding, daily, role where he perfects a task or skill and uses it to serve. The emails, telephone calls, paperwork or plans with friends, in and around your social circle, will be blocked. Joint Finances. May 20: Mars enters Leo. How does this happen? My husband is a Sun Leo. Every 27 to 29 years, Saturn comes back to where it was in the sky when you were born. People who have Uranus in Virgo have a pattern of saying No to particular classes at school or college but also hearing No as well so even as a student at primary, secondary or tertiary level he would have been chopping and changing. It need not mean action over a will, it may simply be what is written down on paper, that has huge impact. The world of courtship, the bedroom, babies, infants, children and Millennials is unpredictable in a good way, from May 2023 to May 2024. I like reading the comments too, as they expand the story. He also has Panacea in Virgo and she is an ancient symbol of drugs and even fungi with pharmaceutical properties. I am currently offering all my readings by donation. Saturn in Pisces 3.7.23 - 5.24.25; Uranus in Taurus 3.6.19 Neptune in Pisces 2.3.12 - 3.30.25; Pluto in Aquarius 3.23.23 - 6.11.23; facebook instagram pinterest twitter Mercury in 16 Pisces Schools were closed, and exercise regimens were suspended. The Tarot is free to use on this website. Ive tried to deal with the Saturn in Aquarius oppositions/squares to my many fixed natal factors with patience and a willingness to learn and change. Town. The phrase beating your head against a brick wall (or bashing it) is appropriate for Saturn. Reinvigorate your schedule with new activities, Aquarius (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk) Today, Saturn influences the cosmic energies of the day, emphasising the importance of structure and organisation. From 1999 to 2001, Saturn (in Taurus) and Uranus (in Aquarius) squared off. MC Beyond that, I hope Ive already been making enough lifestyle adjustments to avoid the kinds of health and home issues I dealt with in the 90s. On the other write down what you want and need (and when). Of course you may do none of those things, but this general example shows you the most common outcomes of this transit. Many couples who endure periods of long-distance relating or separation have this Saturn placement. May 2023 to May 2024 brings the biggest and best work and lifestyle choices in 12 years with more freedom, independence and a superior lifestyle. Jupiter in Aries in your solar Tenth House of success is about opportunity, expansion and improvement. So its complicated. The Bubonic Plague was taken back to their village. Psyche All the curbs and thresholds usually lift with education. My thanks to you for dealing with 16502 comments. My question is why am I so antsy? Standing back from your chart and looking at the bigger picture, Sun Taurus with stelliums in Taurus, Aries and Gemini shows you its all about money. Christmas is also close to December 17th. My natal Saturn and Venus are literally on top of each other and in the 7th house AND in Cancer. Saturn is just like the planet. In myth, Gaia gives her son Saturn a scythe to castrate his father (her husband) Uranus. I have distanced myself and now work for myself but ist is not easy. When he leaves, we feel as if its Saturday, all the time. Meanwhile some of those people i grew up with are dying and its comforting sort of to feel that . If you set up barriers for others you will meet obstacles. Thank you. And wanted to ask: how can I use the planets to be stronger financially as well and what time is good for me? Ops was Saturns wife and defeated him. Saturn is in Aquarius as I publish this on December 17th 2022 and he will move into Pisces on March 8th 2023. Taking a look to my birth chart, Ive noticed that when Saturn will move through Pisces it will form a conjunction with my North Node (11 Pisces) and an opposition with my South Node (11 Virgo). Are you able to take a look and my chart and offer some insights please? I know it is not for a few years, but I would love to be prepared for the second return. Astrologically, this is the transition from youth to adulthood. Christians questioned God and the road to the Reformation began. Many Thanks ! So does everybody else. Thank you. The Ninnescah River, a 56.4-mile stream of southern Kansas, is composed of two branches. He is issuing new rules and people are leaving. The man with Saturn in Aquarius is self-obsessed and has high self-esteem too. I like the work of Linda Williamson on mediumship. I dont know if that was under influence good stars. Aquarius is an unconventional sign, meaning that Saturns approach to structures will be somewhat untraditional, but still effective. Im learning so much from your blog. If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Saturn sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details. Leo: Courtship. A virtual hug. What we know of Saturn comes from astrologers Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas, Dennis Elwell, Margaret Hone (20th century) and the art will tell you the rest. So can the never-ending crush on someone you are never going to be with! The situation is best described by the sign. What your Saturn sign means Heres where your dutiful side kicks in and makes you modest and process-driven. Best. And is it really possible to avoid the reach of Saturn? to who knows where. 24 Capricorn 03 This strongly Virgo person will likely have issues with the medication when Saturn slowly opposes the stellium from 3 degrees through to 27 degrees, so almost the whole cycle starting in March 2023 and ending in early 2026. So, on 3rd January 1993, in the newspaper, we discover officials saying that the only morally correct way to prevent AIDS was by avoiding drugs and by practicing fidelity within marriage. The famous learning experiences of Saturn come from being obstructed. In March 2023 he also begins a new cycle (until 2044) when the internet, the media, publishing and academia could empower him if he is prepared to use his willpower. Im really a hard worker, and I have this tendency to push my body until I crash. Property. Jessica I missed your recent zoom class with Zoom. Instead, your Saturn Return in Aquarius is telling you to find your footing with your crew or put together a new squad. 2023 is an important year for this as Saturn goes into Pisces and begins the opposition. Have been travelling a very challenging road for many years. My best friend used them all the time before she died. So be fully aware, in touch and in tune with who you are in 2023-2026, what you are doing and why you are doing it. My brother is a strong Virgo Stellium (11 factors including 7 deg Sun, 4 deg Venus, 23 deg Uranus, 19 deg Pluto, 22 deg Juno, 3 deg Ceres, 27 deg IC, 11 deg Apollo, 20 deg Panacea, 7 deg Ops, 14 deg Mercury) and had relapse for depression since late 2020. We did okay. Elon Musk is a good example of this on Twitter in 2022. As Saturn slowly opposes your Virgo factors from March 2023, it is very important that you consciously craft a different way of working and living, to meet new realities. Appearance. Happy New Year Jessica! The last two times Saturn was in Aquarius were from February 6th, 1991, to May 21st, 1993, and from June 30th, 1993, to January 28th, 1994. The worldwide web has been random, chaotic, confusing, confused and a total escape for you. You are strongly Aquarian and supply groups, and have a circle of friends, or friendly faces. And sometimes you just sidestep and avoid. The sign Saturn moves through shows global thresholds, restrictions and obstacles. I was in the Abortion caravan driving and feeling the grief across Canada but legalization came later. Aquarius Dates: Jan 21 - Feb 18 Symbol: The Water-Bearer Mode + Element: Fixed Air Ruling Planet: Saturn & Uranus House: Eleventh Mantra: I Know Body Part: The Shins Colors: Silver & Blue Tarot Card: The Star Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. There is no actual moderating being done until I get to my desk, and I have 16,502 comments this morning so its really luck of the draw, as to which question turns up first. Often the gifts are the result of their sole-focus obsession. He is due to come out of a relentless financial, business and property cycle in March 2023 which will release him from years of questions about who is in control, or what is in control. You are here to lead by example in sexual partnerships or professional partnerships. On May 27, 1892 a tornado struck Wellington, leveling 100 homes and 17 businesses. Your issue is Saturn in Aquarius, which rules friends, but the cycle ends in March 2023. So if this cycle takes me back, professionally, should I be looking to possibly return to the classroom with a less stressful role. Home being very important for my grounding and my family, this already gives me so much stress to find a new home!

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