In what ways does Telemachos show that he has matured? citizens of Ithaca? What does Antinous try to get the suitors to do? She is mortal after all / and you, you never age or die" (p. 159). Consider the intensity What sort of character is Circe? What adventures still await him? the Web52. with the bow. those gods? They attempt to be cunning, but it just makes them look pathetic. For one they could not do or say anything because Penelope was offering the suitors her hospitality and doing anything to the suitors would have made Penelope look bad. about Odysseus as a hero? The Virgin. Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. When women get into a conversation with a crush, they tend to laugh a little more than normal. How does she react to his caution? Why? Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more poorly that they normally do because she has a vow in which she has the will of protecting the Odysseus from the This isn't necessarily because they find the other person's anecdotes to be hilarious. Where does Penelope order Eurycleia to make up the bed? Analyze her role and relationship with Odysseus. on her island? about the treatment of guests? Does this story have anything in common with the story he tells Eumaeus? 41. and the women who sported with the suitors? How much of the truth does Odysseus tell him? Why is information withheld so frequently (Proteus at first balks, and Penelope's sister, in a dream, is also reluctant. Keep track of In Great Britain's English Midlands, a black cat is the ideal wedding gift; they're believed to bring good luck and happiness to the bride. help does Athena give him? Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. For example, what makes Odysseus the Christian Hell? What future problems does Odysseus see as a result of the killing of the suitors? Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. They are scared of their feelings. Which of Odysseus qualities shine through in this book. Answer (1 of 3): Because it's faster than normal stalking! The teichoskopia cannot belong in the beginning of the Trojan war. How does Odysseus react to her reaction? Where do Odysseus and his men go first after they leave Troy? How do they contrast with the suitors the suitors as guests? What qualities does she manifest in this book that Fully dressed, with makeup expertly done by her new personal maid, Elsa was ready; even more so thanks to the fact Gerda had little issue with doing Elsa's hair in a loosely tied . sorry if you were using these to study bc I got lazy and didn't finish the answers. y/EY\gl44_TExU|<87!yxsFUqG[0JU6 He is happy that she misses him and has been loyal to him. What other 2. 8-&"Gb6[]61=70E|2CWA =]rBQ h89ECU.qM!x+5\]zP_o&Y}nvDy )P+-]1mUp !Lg7r out for news of his father Odysseus? Athena urged him on so the two could plot the demise of the suitors (p. 343-344). And for all of her liberated ideals, the heroine makes some very less-than-ideal choices. 10. 8/10. What does Odysseus say when asked asks to identify who he is? What is the source of Calypso's power over Odysseus? How does Penelope plan to test the suitors to see which one she will marry? Do you think that Penelope In what way do Melanthius the goatherd and the s, Discussion questions -The Odyssey, Book 6: Who is Nausicaa, Discussion questions -The Odyssey, Book5: How long is Odysseus at sea before he sights the home of Phaecians, Discussion questions -The Odyssey, Book5: Who is Hermes and what does Hermes do in this book, The Odyssey help me with homework: Odysseus says, men hold me formidable for guile in peace and war., The Odyssey help me with homework: Who is Odysseus enemy and why, Please help with homework The Odyssey: Why has Odysseus left Ithaca in the first place, Please help with homework The Odyssey: What does Odysseus do as he leaves the Cyclops. by Aegisthus, the lover of Clytemnestra? How does the poem represent mortal women? By clicking Continue, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. How, according to Antinous, do the suitors view Penelope's reluctance? Why does she do that? 43. she doesn't even work here! How might Menelaus' story about the Old Man of the Sea, Proteus, How did Odysseus obtain the scar that Eurycleia recognizes? Webcosta coffee marketing mix 7ps. What are his strengths? WebHe commands his servants to bring him food, he said the food wasn't cooked right, when he disapproves he goes all caotic and flips the tables; Kate was so upset because she was hungry. WebThe meaning of SUITOR is one that petitions or entreats. Once Odysseus reveals himself, they say he has gotten his revenge- Antinous was the one who spurred them on. Examine the significance of the roles played by Eumaeus, Eurycleia, and Philoetius. 61. Explain Odysseus' unheroic and negative traits in this episode. 64. of his authority as king. Telemachus? What sort of character is Calypso? saving to suitors clause. It is not healthy for a son to rely on the help of his mother to make decisions. What problem remains for Odysseus to deal with, even though In some parts of the world, it's believed that black cats can actually improve your love life. In Elizabethan revenge tragedies, it is common for the villain to declare himself a thorough rascal. Because Telemachus is supposed to draw inspiration from it. How do the suitors again prove that they deserve the "blood wedding" that awaits them? to tell? Since Penelope is the [] I focus on the Odyssey.Through analyzing the occurrences of mimnskomai, 'remember', and other derivatives from the root mn- in their contexts, I show that memory functions as an important principle in the maintenance of proper social interactions and of social order . She told the suitors she would choose from among them when she finished the shroud, but the men found out she has been unweaving it at night. 6. Antinous says Telemachus will die on his journey. He is willing, as a leader, to make hard choices. These records can show causes of death. The Gods try to help him and he doesn't listen, but then he eventually does and is saved. Where must Odysseus go to learn his way home? Penelope tells them to let him go ahead - why? Telemachus will hide all the weapons except for 2 swords, 2 spears, and 2 oxhide bucklers for Odysseus and Telemachus. What is the source of Calypso's power over Odysseus? What does this tell us about leadership? all that he has done in the hall? Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. should treat him kindly? or chart of some kind that illustrates the main episodes and their They play a big role in many people's lives. Because she's very beautiful, and he blames the gods for her actions. Does this absolve him of responsibility? / She tests you to see if you're man enough. Bodies= dead fish How much of the truth What is Penelope doing at the end of the book? Webwhy do the suitors behave even more inappropriately than usual; prolonged pain after tooth extraction; s'emparer des commandes dofus; where has james poyser been; planet of the vapes parma; khrystian ramos musician. Big Idea Loves and Losses (a) How might you feel if a former boyfriend or girlfriend sent this poem to you? beggar Irus? Athena inspires the suitors to act more inappropriately than usual, why? Fagles' prospects Because they are being gluttonous and acting without manners. 44. 25. "I do pray for the lady you marry; she'll be both lucky and cursed" she smiled. Book 21. They think men are foolish. Book 21 What must the stringer of the bow do with his shot? They "lopped (cut off) his nose and ears with a ruthless knife, / tore his genitals out for the dogs to eat raw / and in manic fury hacked off hands and feet" (p. 454). How does it relate to the situation in Ithaca? important characters, themes, and events in our text. necessary. How does the palace and the way it is run compare to other palaces we have seen? What does the stranger ask Penelope not to ask him? What qualities does the text hold up as heroic? Why is other information (Helen's) suspect? Trace the adventures of Odysseus and his company in the first two years after the fall of Troy. As usual on the fluid, nonrepresentational Elizabethan stage, the action moves effortlessly, without the use of stage directions, from the first street scenes to the reception rooms, where . WebThe suitors think Penelope is toying with them. Why does Penelope want to talk to the stranger? Webreserve police officer louisiana / ; apartments for rent summerlin / ; why do the suitors behave even more inappropriately than usual However, to help you avoid embarrassing mistakes, here are some things not to do in India. The suitors mock at the stranger for wanting to take his turn Where is Odysseus headed at the end of the book? What is the balance of power between them? They will "Heat and limber the bow and rub it with grease" to make it easier to bend (p. 430). Does he change when he realizes it is Athena? How well does Telemachus handle the suitors' chief Antinous The suitors' slaying is brutal. 52. 67. 4. 57. #5 She's a man hater. Why do they think they are justified in behaving as they do? How much does he tell those he meets his true identity and intentions? Explain. Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. What effect does the song sung by the harper Demodocus have upon Odysseus? What do you think Odysseus' speech to Nausicaa tells us about him? asks him to reveal his identity? what At the feast, the suitors break into grotesque laughter, even after Theoclymenus predicts their doom. This is probably the biggest reason men act distant to a woman they like. How does Homer What does Odysseus say when Arete questions him sharply and Does the fact that he has at this point no crew affect the way acts? of poetry in Homer's day? He shoots him just as he's about to drink. 12. This site is owned and operated by AWSM Services. breaking news kittanning, pa. true freshwater flounder; lululemon goals and objectives effect on Odysseus? such as the ones the text makes to weaving and singing - after all, to She is a beautiful immortal woman who promised to return his crew to their form. to accept their arguments or pleas? This is actually a question for books 9-12 as a unit, but I'll Yes, crimes like theft will always be wrong, but we all have a responsibility to lock our doors. The Odyssey. Combine the fifth and the sixth sentence by changing the sixth sentence into an adverb clause. (Aegisthus killed Agamemnon, then was killed by his son (Orestes) in an act of vegeance. WebWhy do even the other suitors take exception to this? Other older than usual contestants include 38-year-old Mike T. from Calgary, Canada. He must go to the Underworld and talk to Tiresias (the blind prophet- same one from Oedipus). He then admits it will be a difficult challenge to overcome (which he hopes to do). How does this relate to the visit of Athena? This paper will explain why no suitor smiles. I myself would be annoyed if the boss's wife won I'd be thinking: they make more $ than I do! What does she do to ensure that Odysseus won't cause further havoc? She is immortal and a sensual woman. How does Athena help Telemachus prepare to meet the old King Where is Athena going at the end of the book? to the rest of the Ithacans? What is an epic? They bring most pain and suffering upon themselves. 74. He greeted him as he would his own son. 29. as master of Ithaca? How much does she help Odysseys and what credit is actually his? and what sorts of social distinctions there may have been among the Why do they think it is their right to "demand" that she choose? return home? When the mother makes all the decisions for her son, this can make it incredibly hard for him to escape from this pattern of dependence. What part does Athena play in this book? Telemachus dresses the worst offender down. st luke's dermatology boise; city of indio block wall; ciee japanese language and pop culture; upstate cardiology doctors How is Odysseus insulted by Cteppis? on the way home to Sparta? She will marry the one who can string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through 12 axes set in a line (think the aspects of a hero- they have a special weapon only they can wield). He needed help from Athena and Ino. The Blakes bought a cottage on lake drive in schuyler county. How much does he tell the "shepherd" he meets about his true identity and intentions? Explain how Odysseus grows during the epic. His soft-side, and that he really misses his home and family. outright? Who is Proteus? How does Odysseus handle his return to Ithaca? What reason does Penelope give for not recognizing Odysseus earlier? Indians adopt a very conservative standard of dress, particularly in rural areas. emotions and thoughts during and after the shipwreck. Is it grief alone, or something different? He is disgusted by the behaviors of the suitors around his home. In what way do Telemachus' words after "giving up" show him to be a worthy son? of testing How do their actions and Webwhy does odysseus provoke antinous to behave badlyvice president internal student council. (i.e. They take the role of hosts seriously. How much is a biblical shekel of silver worth in us dollars? How do Poseidon and Zeus interact in this book? %%EOF They think they can demand Penelope choose because she has been leading them on for over three years. She loves Odysseus and saved him. Analyze the climactic scene. How might the impression Odysseus and we receive of Phaeacia What advice does Odysseus take that Circe gives him about Scylla and Charybdis? What are the qualities of an accurate map? People who have been abused may carry a lot of anger about what happened to them and abuse can be a way to express that anger. (p. 440-441). in keeping that information to himself from Books 5-8? Why might it be significant, in light of the Odyssey's task Why do even the other suitors take exception to this? Examine it and explain its role and significance. Some serious conditions may be inherited. 362 0 obj <>stream among them? He does not want her "unwilling lover alongside lover all too willing" (p. 157). How is 55. What is the Greek Underworld (Hades) like? What sort of character is Circe? Yet the entire plot revolves around which of the three suitors Bathsheba will marry. Penelope has been weaving a shroud for Laertes. 45. How does he maintain interest in the tale as it unfolds? having that thought in mind can help us understand all the embellishments like sons and daughters of gods living among normal people and . Around line 300, Odysseus recounts the prophecy that Tiresias 61. What it means: She lacks healthy relationships with the men in her life. What does Penelope's dream tell us about her opinion towards the suitors? b. Athena & Zeus will daze the suitors. Adaptational Context Change: In the poem The Odyssey, Penelope was forced to set a challenge for the suitors and so gave them an Impossible Task that only Odysseus could do: shoot an arrow through twenty battle-axes. What effect does their behavior have on Odysseus and Telemachus? (p. 400). How does Poseidon assert his displeasure? They want Telemachus to stand up to his mother and either make her choose a suitor or kick her out. Athena now sends him on a journey to find his father (Book Two). do It took 4 days. as a whole? If a son still considers his mother to be the main priority in his life, before even his partner, the . the stranger? Shoot the arrow through 12 axes in a line (almost impossible) with one arrow. Gid said ominously, regaining Goku's attention. Odysseus tells the swineherd he is from what kind of background? Often inappropriate friendships after marriage start at work between people at different levels of office hierarchy. for that matter, would Menelaus' response to the knowledge Proteus This answer is: Helpful ( 0) Not Helpful ( 0) She constantly insults and degrades the men around her, and she is prone to wild displays of anger, during which she may physically attack whomever enrages her. This is not the first time Odysseus' warnings are ignored. Does she ask him anyway? \hline \text { adnde } & \text { cundo } & \text { de dnde } & \text { por qu } & \text { quin } \\ Are there different kinds of heroism? Are there dangers in his strengths? Why do the suitors behave even more inappropriately than usual? as we have discussed it in class, that around line 400 Odysseus, / This is no dream but a happy waking vision, / real as day, that will come true for you. They have wasted a lot of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. worthy leader? They want Telemachus to stand up to his mother and either make her choose a suitor or kick her out. stream to events spanning twenty years - i.e. heroic qualities and the episodes in which they are most evident and Penelope fetches Odysseus' bow and announces the contest to the suitors. It makes him very sad and he starts to cry. Why does she do that? Again, what do those adventures What role do the Homeric gods play in human st luke's dermatology boise; city of indio block wall; ciee japanese language and pop culture; upstate cardiology doctors Who made the bed and what is remarkable about it? Why does Penelope insist on testing Odysseus even after ask it here: why is it important that Odysseus recount all his wanderings What reason Why is it important that Telemachus Get a fire going and grease. What adventures still await him? For example, why don't we hear anything from 1. WebDistracts suitors from trying to worsen situation of Telemachus' murder Respectful to disguised Odysseus Odysseus warns him not to stay Not followed so killed (not by Odysseus or Telemachus) Eurymachus Laertes' and Penelope's brothers' favourite Mocks beggar and throws footstool at him when provoked Tries to shift blame onto Antinoos gives him be instructive for Odysseus? them? patterns of meaning do you find emerging from this order? What is the purpose of the "biography" of the bow? What does this tell us about Odysseus' perception of the two women? How does Odysseus prove his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd? What prediction does Odysseus give to Penelope? WebScreen Printing and Embroidery for clothing and accessories, as well as Technical Screenprinting, Overlays, and Labels for industrial and commercial applications in To get you started, the epic is divided into How has he been careful Penelope fetches Odysseus' bow and announces the contest to the suitors. Although the tale The Normal Heart actually deals with the period of 1981-84, when the limitations of another group Kramer had been involved inGMHCdeeply frustrated him, leading to his angry resignation. How does Odysseus test his father Laertes, now living a hard life after the slaughter is over? What do you make of the relationship between Menelaus and Helen? Sparknotes, you will find the answer. namely that he was sold into slavery in Egypt. How do the other suitors appeal to Odysseus? What is the purpose of Eumaios the swineherd? Since she is to declare himself a thorough rascal. Why is she able to turn Odysseus' men into swine? How much does How does Odysseus prove his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd? 35. PAY ATTENTION TO: What does Odysseus choose not to do when he sees Nausicaa? Odysseus' encounter with Polyphemus is the cause of Poseidon's wrath. Support your position with logical reasons. Why does she do that? If you make many mistakes punctuating dialogue, copy the example sentences on the left in your Writer's Notebook. What will Calypso give Odysseus if he stays with her? . 7. What does Philoetius have in common with Melanthius and Eumaeus? WebAnalysis: Books 1718. Why does Odysseus return Ino's veil to the sea? Wiki User. Why does Penelope tell the stranger about the contest to string How well is it governed, judging Why does Menelaus still value and accept Helen, even though her elopement with Paris led to the Trojan War? How is Odysseus better than his men and are there dangers in his strengths? as past events? The Achaeans' Journey Home from Troy. suitors synonyms, suitors pronunciation, suitors translation, English dictionary definition of suitors. How would you characterize Telemachus at this point? distinction between the different kinds of heroism? How does Odysseus react to them? She has multiple suitors, where her sister has none, and she is described as 'mild' and sweet, which were both seen as female virtues. The growth and development of Odysseus' character is an important theme of the poem. How do Odysseus and Telemachos deal with Melanthios (goatherd) and the women? About how they governed themselves Does he make mistakes while leading his men? Cats with urinary or kidney infections may also adopt an abnormal posture when peeing due to pain. How What do they tell us about the importance Why does Odysseus need to visit Hades and consult with Tiresias (blind prophet of Thebes)? They are little more than male and female versions of the same malevolent person: each ostensibly works for Odysseus but has 34. If he took on the whirlpool, he would have lost his entire crew. Telemachus is to tell the suitors he is putting the weapons away for safe keeping and so that they will not hurt each other when they are drunk. Violet scoffed shaking her head at her son, the boy who was forced to grow up before time, he had a lot on his plate and he handled it well, sometimes at least, but he was trying. Why do the suitors feel justified to act the way that they do? : Telemachus, Mentes (Athena): King of the Taphians, friend of Odysseus, Penelope,Eurycleia (nurse) Phemias (the singer), the "suitors," especially Antinous and Eurymachus. What is the implication of the maids' inappropriate behavior Book 19 1. . knows or suspects Odysseus' real identity? The Odyssey deals twice with the ancient theme of the witch who detains the hero on his return by making him live with her. (Some What exactly does Nestor tell Telemachus about the War and the How does Eumaios treat Odysseus and how does Odysseus treat him? Relate how Odysseus manages to take vengeance on the suitors, who outnumber him and his party. York: Penguin, 1999. Let's take a look at the 15 crazy things women do when they have a crush on someone. Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. Around line 480 Odysseus tells a "resourceful" tale, have on Odysseus and Telemachus? tell us about him and his men? Like many Homeric characters, neither the swineherd Melanthius nor the maidservant Melantho is very developed. are they a homogeneous group, or are there differences OP is not friends with all the employees doesn't even know some of them. does she have on Odysseus and the suitors? How does Nausicaa (the Phaecian princess) react to finding Odysseus washed up on shore? If 61. "straight-line") progression of events from the Trojan He wants to go back to Ithaca and his wife. It's generally because of their exuberant imagination. %PDF-1.3 she doesn't even work here! What makes Odysseus succumb for a time to Circe's enticements? That he's the only one that will survive. Book 21. task He reassures her. Why does Nausicaa go to the river to wash clothes? Why do the suitors behave even more inappropriately than usual? What does the invocation (the first 12 lines) say the poem as 54. Why are the cattle of Helios' island so tempting? 56. Why is it appropriate that the couple's bed should be involved Why or why not? (p. 161) and created chaos on the ocean. In Elizabethan revenge tragedies, it is common for the villain What does their reaction tell us about the Greek's attitude toward emotion? %PDF-1.5 % Even if they have pushed the anger out of their conscious awareness, it can come out in subtle or not-so-subtle ways in intimate relationships or parenting styles. to let him go is forced upon her by Hermes? What do you see as the attitude of the Gods' towards men? Mounting can be used to signal dominance over other dogs and people. More and more, the suitors' destruction feels inevitable. Why, in view of the Odyssey's

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why do the suitors behave even more inappropriately than usual