A Vampire with this talisman would location. Offense: Init +10, Un- name, this archetype also serves for giant arachnids likearmed +0 (DC 13). Totals: Abilities 26+ Powers 7 + Advantages by adding additional ranks of Growth. For some Overlords, the process of conquering the worldALIEN OVERLORD (or dimension, or cosmos) is a long-term game indeed. In spite of theExpertise: Nature 4 (+4), Stealth 0 (+14). STR 10 STA 9 AGL 0 DEX 1 FGT 2 INT 4 AWE 1 PRE 2 LION PL6 MR4 Powers: Extra Limbs 1 (Trunk), Growth 9 (Permanent, Innate). Cir-cumstances often mean the Sorcerer has only one shot at Sorcerers almost universally prefer to fight at a distance,performing the ritual: the necessary astrological or cosmic overseeing a battle and using their spells to hinder or dis-conjunction might occur only once every 3,000 years, for able foes. One of INTELLECTUAL RIVALRYthe prime functions of assistants (other thanstepping and fetching) is to listen to their boss- A hero famous for his or her intel-es ongoing rants. Unarmed 3 (+7), Perception 5 (+6), Stealth 8 (+9). This can be funfor some players, especially if theyre competitive, but Adventures involving the Puppeteer may include theothers just find it annoying, since it takes away the one following:132 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESCANT FIGHT CITY HALL ined and no one will believe them when they claim some sinister puppet-master is secretly taking over the city!The public and the media in the city suddenly becomeincreasingly critical of the heroes and their activities. Social Share. Freedom City is the default setting for the Mutants & Masterminds game system. Often, the proto-vampire falls into a death- like coma (incapacitated) as the final transformation takes place, although there may still be time for heroes to reverse the process with the right arcane ritual or other technique. Totals: Abilities 8 +Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 18 + Advantages 1 + Skills 6 + Powers 23 + Advantages 0 + Skills 5 + Defenses 2 = Total 38Defenses 2 = Total 15 points. Skills: Perception 4 (+6), Stealth ics, often in service to a powerful master villain or an even 4 (+6). Sorcerers often belong to a world minions to deal with bothersome pests such as superhe-of myth and magic now all but forgotten, and may seek roes. 5 comments. 1 General. If such a talisman canturn a virtual no one into a world-class supervillain, justimagine what it could do in the hands of a masterful evilSorcerer!DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 137MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS SORCERER PL14 STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE -1 0 0 2 2 3 8 2 POWERS OFFENSE INITIATIVE +0 Ranged, Damage 18 Magic: Array (36 points) Mystic Blast +10 Ranged, Affliction 12 Mystic Blast: Ranged Damage 18 36 points Mystic Bonds +10 Close, Damage 1 Mystic Bonds: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 12 (Resisted by Unarmed +2 Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobile; DEFENSE 10 FORTITUDE 11 Extra Condition, Limited Degree) 1 point Mystic Passage: Teleport 18 1 point DODGE 8 TOUGHNESS 18/0* Scrying: Remote Sensing 9 (visual, auditory, mental) 1 point PARRY WILL 16 *Without Mystic Shield Mystic Levitation: Flight 4 8 points Mystic Senses: Senses 2 (Danger Sense, Magical Awareness) POWER POINTS 2 points ABILITIES 32 SKILLS 20 Mystic Shield: Protection 18, Impervious 12, Affects 35 POWERS 80 DEFENSES 175 Insubstantial, Sustained 31 points ADVANTAGES 8 TOTAL SKILLS COMPLICATIONS Deception 4 (+6), Expertise: Magic 16 (+19), Intimidation 9 (+11), Persuasion 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Magic 3 (+5), Sleight Arrogant: Superior and overconfident. theres always the possibility of a Visual Area Affliction with a control effect.CAPERSCapers involving the Jumped-Up Nobody might includethe following:ILL SHOW THEM!With the power he now wields, the Jumped-UpNobody goes after a hit list of everybodywho ever crossed him, and its a long list.The heroes first encounter with the vil-lain is when panicked calls for help comefrom the people threatened by his ven-detta (directly or indirectly). Even larger and more powerful versionslowing it to make different types of attacks. Defenses: Dodge 0, Parry 2, Fortitude 23 + Advantages 1 + Skills 2 + Defenses 4 = Total 12 points. Core books and new releases for Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition are below. before finally retires, disappears, or dies. Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold. STR 8 STA 8 AGL 2 DEX 0 FGT 4 INT AWE 0 PRE Powers: Extra Limbs 4 (Branches), Growth 8 (Permanent, Innate), TYRANNOSAURUS REX PL11 MR5 Immunity 2 (Suffocation). of new and innovative challenges. Perhaps the cap- The Overlord petitions the United Nations for recognitiontives are brought back to the villains lair so they can be as the head of a sovereign nation: either because the vil-brainwashed into an invincible superhuman army, or their lain really does rule some corner of the world, or perhapspowers can be copied into an artificial Mimic (see the as a representative of a people (a good approach for theMimic archetype) or transferred to the Overlord himself, Meta-Supremacist), or simply on the basis of the Over-making him virtually unstoppable. These geniuses may become the heads of top-secretsuperhuman powers, or a physicist seeking the secrets of research organizations, black science laboratories, gov-the universes creation (even if it means its destruction as ernment projects, or even presidents or CEOs of majorwell). 15 Religion: Religious iconography and costuming, targets religious enemies or heretical members of a particular religion. Otherwise, its up tofollowing. Defenses 13 = Total 36 points.Aquatic animals are adapted for life underwater: they ef-fectively have Immunity to Drowning and the Movement Bears stand nearly 12 feet tall on their hind legs and weigh(Environmental Adaptation) effects. Keep in mind these characters are APE PL4 MR3intended to be treated according to the rules for minions,so their effective power level is somewhat less than their STR 6 STA 4 AGL 3 DEX 1 FGT 3 INT 4 AWE 1 PRE 1game traits indicate. Rather Dagger 1 (+1), Deception 4 (+5), Expertise: Cult Lore 4 (+4), than serving some powerful master, an Arcane Cultist may replace a Cult Master as the leader of a secret society. Name Ideas: Adonis, Bloody Mary, Chiaroscuro, Figment, Mirror Miser, Refractor, Shadowplay 40 points Poison with venom (Weaken Stamina 8, Resisted by Fortitude; Accurate), hallucinogenic poison (alternate; Af- fliction 8, Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Compelled, Controlled; Accurate), paralytic poison (alternate; Affliction 8, 1011 Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed; Accurate), poison spray (alternate; Line Area Weaken Stamina 4, Resisted by Fortitude), and sneaky (Enhanced Stealth 10, Movement 1 [slithering or wall-crawling 2]). Reduce Growthand (Permanent, Innate), Insubstantial 1 (Permanent, Innate),therefore Strength, Stamina, and related traitsby 2 ranks. Skills: Close Combat: Advantages 0 + Skills 3 + Defenses 11 = Total 28 points. Newly made Vampires may be under the control of their sire, or could have a measure of free will, serving the master Vampire for other reasons. In the past we have sold for customers a D&D Brown Box, several of the Limited Edition modules, and a number of other rare items. This archetype also suits + Powers 11 + Advantages 0 + Skills 8 + Defenses 13 = Totalprehistoric mammoths and mastodons, which have Envi- 48 points.ronmental Adaptation (Cold). 17 Sports: Sporting equipment devices and weapons, crimes around major sporting events or team rivalries. The already-powerful villaindo exactly as they are told, or the prisoners will be tor- displays massive and previously unknown levels of power,mented in a hellish netherworld for eternity. Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition and DC Adventures RPG: Free Downloads This file presents an index, automatically generated by our server, of all the free downloads available for fans of the third edition of the Mutants & Mastermindssuperhero RPG and the DC AdventuresRPG, including printable character sheets. The Acolyte, Initiate, and Adept represent the rank-and- file worshippers of a cult. with photonic blasters and quantum phase shifters (and whatnot) but also discover the source of the gizmos. For a giant shark, add Growth to the desired level and alter the sharks abilities appropriately. Some Asian Masterminds mix alchemy or Taoist sorcery with their science.THEMES CORPORATE CRIMINALMad Scientists tend to be distinguished by two things: theways in which they aremadand the areas of science they Not all Mad Scientists are solo acts, unable to profit fromfocus on. Or did they build it themselves?experienced villains. Most animals have a low Dex- Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 2, Sensesterity rank, since they have no manipulative limbs. Others may simply have a schtick or Foe or Favored Environmentperhaps even allowinggimmick they love thats never amounted to much more Jobbers to stack two ranks of these advantages to improvethan holding up jewelry stores and shaking down tourist the provided circumstance bonus to +5.busses, continuing their villainous schemes for the art,rather than for power or profit. It can be a device character with truly limitless power, even beyondbook of spells, a magical talisman, cosmic artifact, piece that of the item given in the archetypes stats. Previous Page. Totals:Damage, Aging, Cold Damage, Fire Damage, Poison, Disease), Abilities 10 + Powers 36 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 + DefensesProtection 2, Senses 2 (Darkvision). Mutants & Masterminds Venom - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Comic the result of a biological accident or experiment, perhapsbook Vampires tend to focus less on the horror aspects concerning tissue regeneration or blood-borne diseases.of the legend and treat them more as an exotic type of The villain often has the various qualities of a Vampire,super-human. Alternately,the Brain might be an entire severed head kept alive ina similar manner, or a villain with a massively enlargedhead but atrophied and useless body, left immobile andin need of special life support while his mind is free toroam and plot.EVOLVED MASTERMINDComic book evolution often depicts far-future humansas small and big-brained, with superhuman mental pow-ers. NAME IDEASTHEMES Doppelganger, Effigy, Everyman, False-While the typical Master of Dis- Face, Imitator, Incognito, Manikin, Mr. No-guise is fairly low-powered, body, Nemo (meaning no one)you can create a more formi-dable version by applying the CLASSIC BITSMimic or Shapeshift powers,allowing the villain to copy The following are some classic bits in-others physical traits as well as volving the Master of Disguise:appearance. Offense: Init +0, Attack +6 (Close,tasy dragons, however, are highly intelligent: for these, in- Damage 9). After mixing it up in melee combat, the Martial Artist reliesIf one or more of the heroes are martial-arts experts, then on a combination of high active defenses, Improvedodds are good the Martial Artist knew them once. You can use and sheer bulk rather than quickness, although he is of-the fighting styles mentioned in Chapter 7 as templates ten far quicker than most expect. need of inspiration for a Psycho obsession, take a look atThe background of the Psycho is typically tragichorri- the Psycho Obsessions table.bly scarred physically, psychologically, emotionally, or allthree. Totals: Abilities 34 + Powers 23 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Defenses 10 = Total 71 points.Warrior demons tend to be human-sized, with powerful One of the most massive land animals ever, the long-builds and tough (often scaly or bony) hides. Hi all! It might need thecal information, but that does not have to be the case. Psycho obsessions can be almost anything, necessarily abandoning his original vendetta).but are often either whimsical or connected to the Psy-chos condition in some way. Robotic brutes tend to be lieutenantsor minions rather than master villains by nature.See the end of this chapter for sample robotminions.NAME IDEASArtifice, Galatea, Mechanix, Tin-Man,Techno, TronixCLASSIC BITSThe following are some classic bits associ-ated with the Robot archetype:REBUILD AND RETURNRobots are notoriously diffi-cult villains to get rid of;never having been alivein the first place, theyreessentially impossibleto kill. Even a destroyedrobot can potentially berebuilt, and robotic computer mindscan be copied to backup files and downloadedinto new bodies, potentially including upgradesand improvements.You can choose to treat this in game terms as Immor-tality. Friends and teammates notice changes in behavior and a generalTACTICS malaise and do their best to help, but the heroine is in the Vampires thrall and resists their efforts. For example, a villain who Revenge-obsessed Psychos tend to want more than just tosnaps over an international crossword puzzle competition kill the target of their revenge; they want their vengeanceor the like might become Mr. Theproviding it with Immu- Illusionist is a type of Mastermind focused on deception,nityLife Support at a controlling victims perceptions, and therefore their real-minimum, perhaps even ity. Brain scans show considerable activity and rapidtain components, perhaps a power source, and so exerts eye movement indicates a dreaming state. So characters might run into things like exploding Easter eggs or hallucination-inducing fear toxins as they try to protect people from a rampaging Psycho. In the comics, engineering sciences with their big iron (and later, life sciences, by way of Dr. Frankenstein) get all the at- tention. The with them, perhaps even other heroes who have fallenfirst sign an investigator gets of a Vampire moving into an under the Vampires sway.area may be the acquisition of a suitable lair there, a taskusually entrusted to one of the Vampires thralls. of things the villain couldnt possibly know. The villain simplyagility and confusion, particularly mixing things up in has the misfortune of choosing a target who is secretlyclose combat. It can be best to either encourage the playerIn addition to looking like other to take on both roles and play them equally,people, the Master of Disguise or for the GM to temporarily take control ofhas sufficient ranks of Mind the players character, just the same as if theReading to think like them as hero were otherwise under a villains influ-well. The Sorcerer able to overcome the heroes with ease; either increasewants them to find and recover certain mystical artifacts, the archetypes power level to 20 (improving all PL-limitedwhich are the key components of a grand ritual that will traits accordingly) or simply make the villain a PL X plotbring the villain unlimited power and mastery over reality. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The first to attack may provide a redherring, making heroes believe that an unaffiliatedemployer is after the treasure or that a wave oftheme-robberies is about to begin, but as moreand more villains make a run at the same target thesituation becomes more obvious. Offense: Init +2, Unarmed +3 (Close, Damage 2). Mutants & Masterminds - Marvel Files | PDF | Nature - Scribd PDF MythComicSetting/DC Adventures - Heroes & Villains Vol 2.pdf - Github Necessity is, as they say, the Shield granted by the Item of Power makes the archetypemother of invention, so the Nobody is more likely to try highly resistant to a direct assault. Totals: Abilities 18 + Powers 21 +Advantages 0 + Skills 0 + Defenses 0 = Total 3 points. Defenses: Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 7, Toughness 7, Will5. Defense: Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fort 6, Tou 4, Will 2. The Magical Construct is pabilities based on prior defeats. side the law. The villain tends to stay in the shadows, striking Vampire will have a new super-powered thrall with all thefrom surprise and using gaseous form to slip in and out abilities of a vampire as well!of places and as a means of escape. Evil Computers often make useations. The Construct might also be a master vil- with a creator who is now dead (often by the creationslain in its own right. Defenses: Dodge 8, Parry 6, Fortitude 5, hellspawn. Or over estimated his chances. 7 Fear: A fascination with fears and phobia, fear-inducing weapons or techniques, setting up frightening scenarios. Some Testers are self-appointed judges oflike their elaborate games and twisted ideas of what worthiness, and may seek to eliminate those who do notconstitutes fun. meet their high standards.Entertainment is the main idea of the Imp for the Imp, THE TRICKSTERanyway. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 20 + 2 (Acute Smell, Low-light Vision). Defenses: Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 4, Toughness 1, Will 2. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Theyto say, Unlimited Mimics grow exponentially in power as pick up discarded powers to add to their arsenal and usethey gather subjects, unless there is something that re- them against the heroes. Offense: Init +2, Bite +0 (Close, Damage 5).With various villains possessing powers like animal con- Defenses: Dodge 8, Parry 6, Fortitude 0, Toughness 2, Will 2.trol, shapeshifting, and mimicking the traits of different Totals: Abilities 18 + Powers 30 + Advantages 0 + Skills 3 +animals, as well as a tendency to acquire pets, heroes may Defenses 0 = Total 15 points.encounter many different types of animals. Defenses: Dodge 3, Parry 3, FortitudeSkills: Expertise: One Craft 4 (+4), Intimidation 10 (+8), Stealth 6, Toughness 5, Will . By the time the just as much of a threat as the Robot, giving the heroesheroes realize their danger, it is usually too late to stop the twice the trouble!Robot from overwhelming and defeating them. Still, that does not even worse when the Nobody wants to help out bynecessarily have to mean the end of the villain, since the joining the team before he or she is ready, and it appearsNobody may be looking for a way to regain the lost power; the influence of the Item of Power is starting to corrupthe might even succeed, if a return appearance is desired. The heroes not Scientist, his minions, and his customers in the process.MARTIAL ARTISTWhether a rogue ninja, master of unarmed combat, or a as part of their unlife, which can create this type of villain.peerless mercenary soldier, the Martial Artist is often an Simply add Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) to the arche-agent used to remove obstacles for a master villain or types powers, along with any other undead traits (such asorganization. Totals:After its power level, each minion archetype has MR Abilities 10 + Powers 12 + Advantages 0 + Skills 6 + Defenseswhich stands for Minion Rank.This is the rank of the Min- 7 = Total 35 points.ion advantage or Summon effect needed to have a singleexample of that archetype as a minion. Deluxe Gamemasters Guide MM - 3rd edition - AnyFlip Skills: This archetype represents a wide variety of small, poison- Perception 6 (+8), Stealth 2 (+12). So far as most of the world is concerned,include the following. What is their tie to the original villain and what isTACTICS motivating their new crime wave, and can the heroes stop them from tarnishing the legacy of a far less dangerousWhen all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like criminal that may even think of as a peer?a nail. Defenses: Dodge 1, Parry 1, Fortitude 2, Toughness 0, Will Offense: Init +2, Icy Shadows +6 (Ranged, Damage 6), Knife 0. You can create largerpterosaurs by adding ranks of Growth to increase size andother traits accordingly.148 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESDRAGON PL9 MR6 Gargoyles are flying creatures with stony hides. lectual and scientific accomplish- ments is being honored by theTACTICS city or a national organization. Some are happy with their brand If the technology is provided by someone else, considerof casual villainy, never quite being leadership material, what happens if the Jobber goes rogue, or if their bosswhile others resent their role as second-string evil. around the world or in the far corners of the universe.As the heroes begin to suspect this new champion of ITS A MAD, MAD WORLDjustice is too good to be true, they discover they are right:hes just a disguise for the Imp, who is actually creating A series of just plain weird things start happening to themany of the crises in order to swoop in and handle the heroes: clouds made of actual cotton; cartoon charactersproblem! Defenses:Fortitude , Toughness 10, Will 6. Advantages: All-out Attack, Power Attack. pensate in various ways, such as combining the traits ofSimilarly, a Scavenger might even collect traits from two or more subjects to reduce or eliminate a particulardeceased subjects in some fashion, either like a Vampire weakness; if one subjects Protection is overcome by aMimic (previously) or a grave robber. When the heroes are not around for them tothreaten or gloat at, the villains rant to their underlings Given their supreme arrogance, many Overlords refuse to(who know enough to either agree or keep their mouths accept the ignominy of defeat and capture; they may rushshut), and when no one else is available, they will often into the exploding ruins of their lairs, trying to salvage arant out loud to themselves (or to the heroes, even if they last-minute victory or save a priceless artifact or device.are not present and cannot possibly hear them: So, you Some even deliberately self-destruct, hoping to take thethink to approach my stronghold unnoticed, do you? Advantages: Closeincluding embarrassment, anger, and fear, and so they Attack. where within the area.For a classic hero vs. hero conflict, the Mastermind A Mastermind villain is exerting his influence, which ismight control another team of heroes. These Nobodies have the same sorts of powers, previously tormented him and forcing them to groveljust without the Removable modifier (and with a corre- and beg for their lives. In addition to its other traits, the Ar- tificial Mimic has Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects).A Mimics power level is somewhat difficult to peg, beinghighly variable. necessary, awarding the players one or more hero points.TACTICS By the time the heroes manage to track the Robot to its hidden lair, it has already completed the construction ofAlthough intellectually brilliant, the Robot tends to be a mechanical bride and hooked its kidnapped victim tosomething of a brute in combat, relying on inhuman a device intended to transfer her brain patternsperhapsstrength and durability, blasting away at foes it cannot even her memories and life forceinto the new automa-reach with its crushing grip. Skills: Close Dinosaurs are most commonly the minions of monster-Combat: Claws 2 (+5), Deception 4 (+4), Expertise: Magic 4 makers who have resurrected them using cloning, or time-(+4), Insight 4 (+4), Perception 4 (+4), Stealth 4 (+9). 20 Toys: Weapons and devices styled as toys: boomerangs, yoyos, tops, jacks, bouncy balls, pogo sticks, etc. He begins to visitand three successive failed checks result in transformation her in the night, slowly drinking her blood and beginninginto a vampire over the course of the final 24 hours. You can treat the transformation like a slow, progres- sive Affliction, with the victim making Fortitude or Will checks against it to fight it progression. Megalomania: Convinced of superiority and eventual success.RANTS the Overlord often has a trap prepared to deal with anyOverlords are particularly fond of the sound of their interlopers. Typically the villain is an older AsianA few are motivated by sheer lust for power or knowledge, scholar or scientist who styles himself after the mandarins,no matter the consequences. Eventually, the Mimic will have copiedstrengthto do things their individual subjects cannot. dering in the fields of madness. 0). To add insult to injury,the villain might also seize control of the mindsof the populace, remove the heroes powers, orboth. sistants and minions to get them! A Mad Scientist with the heroes in his clutches can go on for some time aboutTHE LAB his brilliance, but catch one out in the open and hes more likely to cower behind his flunkies or try and make a breakEvery scientist needs somewhere to work, and setting up, for it.maintaining, and supplying a lab or workshop is impor-tant. Just when the heroes have won and think themore experienced or established heroes, leading to a universe is saved, the Overlord reveals it was all a largergroup of novices coming together to help them (and per- scheme to get the bigger threat out of the way and securehaps avenge and replace them, if the Overlord has killed power!the captives or rendered them powerless). Defenses: Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 5, Toughness 4, Will 3.
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