Zhao et al. Both Chemical pregnancies my lining was under 7. Im currently 17 weeks from another FET. Thanks! I took the year off to just work on myself and be in a better mental state. And my RE is kind of resistant to doing extra tests before I have a second failure, which I find a little crazy. I did do another round of IVF and am now 17 weeks pregnant. I know this is an incredibly hard time and it's a tough decision- best of luck to you- don't give up hope. Im so sorry youre going through that. https://www.remembryo.com/embryo-news-pgs-testing-doesnt-improve-success-in-good-prognosis-patients/. I did acupuncture that cycle. She is pregnant right now from that cycle. And Im so sorry about your first FET. Jun 13, 2021 2:33 PM It is looking like we will have a second consecutive blighted ovum with a PGS normal embryo. I actually didn't do acupuncture the second cycle, but I was in great shape. To count these women in, we can look at the per retrievaldata: Now when we look at everyone the stats look much different! My current success was a FET with NO meds except vaginal progesterone. This is exactly what I had! Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. You cant compare the per retrieval and per transfer stats against each other directly. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Chemical pregnancy with PGS tested embryo. Question about blastocysts and PGS testing - we got 12 eggs / 7 mature / 7 fertilized with ICSI and 2 grew to 6 days. I agree with the others that you should push for some sort of testing or SOMETHING to investigate before trying again (if you haven't already). Its such a good point and one that is often missed, I think. Which was Claritin, pepcid, and baby aspirin. We have not done a hysteroscopy but will ask my dr if we can do one to check and at least rule that out. But then the 3 mature eggs I had all fertilized, all made it to blast, all tested normal, and now one of them is my 15 month old daughter. They found a reduction in live birth rates (50% to 39%), although this was notstatistically significant(it was from a small study). So what gives now?? After each failed transfer, my RE did a lot of additional testing including a Yale EFT biopsy for receptivity and a clotting test to see if I needed lovenox and/or baby aspirin. Create an account or log in to participate. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. The protocol was exactly the same as with the chemical pregnancy with addition of baby aspirin. MENTS my FET following that one was successful and I am now 28 weeks pregnant END MENTS .This whole IVF journey takes so much out of you and I truly feel your pain but please keep trying. The results come back as euploid (meaning theres 46 chromosomes), aneuploid (meaning theres a number of chromosomes besides 46) or mosaic (meaning theres a mix of euploid and aneuploid cells). We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Should I just ask for this to be done regardless? We started some workup with my OB (TSH, karyotyping and carrier testing). I also stopped working night shifts (Im a nurse) to reduce my stress levels but that didnt help either. Medication wise other than the standard progesterone and estrogen and prenatal I also did take aspirin 81mg. He was surprised my doctor was doing a Receptiva test naturally, without medication, since the idea is to simulate the same environment of a transfer, and was also surprised that my doctor had done a 5-day-post-retrieval-transfer in the first place. For more background info, check out my post onPGS Testing. Has anyone had a similar experience but had a viable pregnancy. I would like to use the delestrogen shots next time instead of the patches and pills which seem to do nothing for me. My current doctor reviewed my history and suggested an endometrial biopsy for endometritis (different from endometriosis). We were told not to worry and try again after a month, and in March I found I was pregnant again but this turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. Seems to work for many, many women. So sorry this happened and good luck to you. Are you sure you want to block this member? Took 2 years of "fighting" but looking back all the money, pain. Is it significantly less for a pregnancy with an embryo that tested pgt normal? Women above 35 seem to benefit the most with PGS . My current doctor did mention surrogacy as well, especially since the embryo we brought over was our final attempt with IVF. Once I started hearing other people's stories I was shocked at how common it is- more so than I ever would have imagined. Check out mycomplete guide to embryo grading and success ratesto learn more about embryo development, grading and success rates. Learn more about, Learn About What to Expect's Pregnancy & Baby App. I'm doing the full "recurrent pregnancy loss" blood workup and karyotype genetic testing on my husband and me before we try again. 2 - IUIs both chemical Would you ladies push next time for a different protocol? , ERA was a game changer for me! A chemical pregnancy is an early pregnancy loss before ultrasounds can detect a fetus. Reply Share React operationpepper Dec 22, 2015 3:42 PM Reply Share React AMB425 Sep 2, 2016 11:01 AM My FET is at the beginning of June so hoping that with this adjustment, a better outcome will occurs. Thankful for these forums! I was exactly like you- I told myself and my RE that I refused to go through that devastation again so I wanted to do everything possible to make the outcome different. How about a mosaic? Every positive thing helps! My TSH was marginally high and I started synthroid. See the chart below from the CDC (2016 data): In this post well look at the different miscarriage rates that all these types of PGT-A tested embryos have. Unfortunately my 2nd retrieval wasnt as positive as yours - I didnt have any make it to blast So Im struggling with my next steps (as Im older) and whether a 3rd retrieval makes sense given the odds. Capalbo et al. Success is still very possible, IVF treatments are often a trial and error situation as my doctor put it once. More high quality studies need to be performed to really see the answer to this question. Might be worth asking about. At the time, I was at rock bottom and going to an online support group. Talk about adjusting meds? While those are great odds, sometimes the FET fails. Im absolutely going to ask for biopsy and check for endometritis. 2) I feel like I've turned over every stone in trying to figure out what is wrong; does anyone have insight into how one would determine whether the problem is with the egg or with my body? 2nd was an FET that was a chemical, likely due to an embryo issue, even though it was graded highest. PGS Testing Risks - CNY Fertility Segmental aneuploids: the main source for PGT-A false positives? However, this study did not focus on the >35 age group, which is likely to be the most benefited by this technique. Chemical pregnancy facts. We have one day 7/Euploid Blast 5BB remaining on ice. Criticisms of PGS - FertilityIQ I was put on the Schoyer protocol for stimulation. Why did I miscarry a normal embryo? Well start with euploids, then mosaics, and end with fully aneuploid embryos. IVF is a numbers game. Another thing to consider: Has your doctor done a hysteroscopy? To do PGT-A, a sample of cells (a biopsy) is taken from the embryo and is submitted for DNA testing in a separate lab. My AMH was low, around 1.5, FSH was slightly high, and follicle count was low normal. I am hoping number 5 is it. 2018). Once they see it on an U/S, I think it becomes a clinical pregnancy. Or is it worth having the actual tests done? I'm 37 years old, and I just had a chemical pregnancy with a PGS-tested embryo. (2017)found that Day 5 euploids had a higherongoing pregnancyrate vs Day 6 euploids (51.9% vs 32.7%). may be contradicted by other studies. Any experiences with Day 6 blastocyst - Fertility Network UK Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE. Did you ever go through with your day 7 FET? Embryoman (Sean Lauber) is a former embryologist and creator of Remembryo.com. Did anyone else have success after failure with PGS? Neal et al. Setting: University-based fertility center. However, another doctor (2nd opinion) claimed that Receptiva would only be conducted for implantation failure and for those who had never seen positive pregnancy tests. The results came back just this week saying that I was "pre-receptive" and recommended one day more of progesterone before doing the transfer to get to a more "ideal" transfer state. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. After I had my 3rd, my doctor and the IVF nurses all pushed for an ERA saying that even though Ive had prior success, that may have just been luck and my optimal window might be different than what I was doing. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. We have one (and only one) 4bb PGS normal embryo. Besides that, there are no gaurantees of both sticking. I encourage to keep pushing forward. This was my only PGS normal embryo so I have to re-do that as well.. Dear RLM11, so sorry for your losses, I know how devastating it is! I had a chemical last November with a PGS normal embryo and was successful with the second FET in July. END MENT And the fact that the embryo's are at least starting to implant is confusing me in relation to my lining - Does that mean that my thinner lining is OK? It wouldnt be going far at least. Saw a heartbeat at 6 and 8 weeks then nothing at week 10. 4 PGT-M and PGT-A vs. Prenatal Testing Genetic testing was normal. Reminder: I have an integrated glossary in the text (terms are underlined with a dotted black line, and when you tap on it a window will pop up with the definition). I have however done Intralipid Infusions and taken Neupogen beginning a week before transfer for Autoimmune protocol (although Ive never actually been tested for Autoimmune disorder). We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. I went into my second egg retrieval and got less eggs than the first time around. He also answers questions in his private Facebook group. (2014)found no difference inongoing pregnancieswith Day 5 or 6 euploids (about 50%). I'm so sorry for your loss. (2016)found nostatistically significantdifference inongoing pregnanciesbetween Day 5 and 6 euploids (78.6% vs 67.4%), but this was reduced by Day 7 (43.8%). My first FET was a day 6 5AA euploid embryo. Embryoman (Sean Lauber) is a former embryologist and creator of Remembryo.com. However, the two transfers we did werent PGS tested. My questions is only 28% of our blastocysts passed pgs testing which is quite low from what is predicted for those under 35. I"ve not had a chance to actually talk with my RE yet, hopefully I will tomorrow after I go back for monitoring. thank you for sharing your success story! Or a fully aneuploid embryo? We spent well over 45K to get to this point. END MENTS. MENT I got a natural BFP at 34yo with an FSH of 38 and had no issues with my pregnancy. He suggested an endometrial biopsy instead. Good luck! Multiple chemical pregnancies from embryos that had been PGS tested Your clinic may have a better idea of how things work in their hands. More info in my profile about my testing and treatment, and Im open to answering any questions. Best of luck! We put both in and im currently 8weeks pregnant. Oops, meant to say Im 17 weeks pregnant from my last FET! Ive had two biochemical losses with day 6 4BC euploids and with 1 day 6 4BC left to try, Im wondering our odds. About 7 months later I transferred a day 7. Thank you! What are the chances of having a miscarriage after transferring a PGT-A tested euploid embryo? I had the biopsy done twice; one to test (which I was positive for) and one to ensure it was no longer present after a round of strong antibiotics. This may be used to avoid a gender-linked genetic disorder or (more rarely) for family balancing. PGT-A and PGS Genetic Screening of Embryos - FertilityIQ I am thinking of you and truly wish you the best in January , Im sorry for a late response Ive been off the app to work on my mental health. This is my second failure of a PGS tested embryo, and the first on this immune suppressing protocol. An embryo with more or fewer than 23 chromosome pairs may be at increased risk of miscarriage or certain genetic disorders. A pregnancy that doesn't even make it to the 6 week scan where they can usually see the fetus on an ultrasound. All the comments on here seem pretty helpful already. I feel like your doctor should have mentioned the ERA and biopsy by now. Hopefully an ERA can shed some light on it! Started with 14 eggs, 7 fertilized and only 1 made it to blast and ended up being abnormal. Would love to hear if it was successful - fingers crossed . Im still taking it! PGS/PGT-A success rates can vary. Good luck and wishing baby dust your way soon! She was also concerned with the previous doctors aggressive surgery protocols, and my age was also a factor. 2 came back normal. All 3 embryos made it to day 5 blastocyst on the 6th day we did pgs testing. (I had these done at a private lab since my nurse wouldn't let me come in early) My last donor embryo cycle was also a chemical pregnancy but no PGS was done. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. I am 39 turning 40 this year. We Tested the tissue and it was normal (??). We were hoping for a Christmas miracle however that was short lived. I have to say that I'm not 100% sure I needed any of the extra things we did- but I wanted to try whatever I could and these things couldn't hurt. Our RE recommends trying again, but it feels like insanity to try the same thing without changing/adding anything or doing some tests. Multiple losses due to chromosomal abnormality, did you do ivf? Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). I plan on asking my RE for a Recurrent loss panel to be done and autoimmune testing (NK cells etc)and a different protocol. Weve spent almost 45K on this process and we are with a reputable clinic affiliated with CCRM so I am confident they know what they are doing but you cant also help but wonder is there more that can be done Im waiting to hear from the team to see if shes given some more thoughts. I also am interested in doing an endo scratch beforehand and adding Viagra if the shots and scratch aren't doing the job. Congratulations again on your success!!! I wanted to reach out and see if you know a way to find a surrogate on your own, rather than going thru an agency. Trade-offs of PGT-A (or PGS) Your experience is so inspiring, thank you for sharing . Congratulations on your success , I have a similar story. Ive never had one. If you want to read more about rebiopsying embryos, check out my archives for embryo rebiopsy. Just thought Id throw this test out there though! Thank you TXtoCA, Im definitely planning to make changes. And congratulations on your pregnancy!! Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). When questioned as to why nothing was working, his response was sometimes it just doesnt happen and we dont know why.

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chances of chemical pregnancy with pgs normal embryo