Yes bong water is verry verry good for it and blowing smoke on them too helps anlt they like to be stoned they grow faster. By no means am I a phytologist, an arborist, or some other kind of plant scientist; but it seems simply logical that dumping old bong water on your plants will not be helpful for their growth. Can you Use Bong Water in a Compost Pile? Copyright 2023 When cannabis is burned, it produces carcinogens similar to tobacco smoke. TDS Level for Drinking Water - Apollo edoc The ash that is used more frequently is wood ash, but all ash from plant material shares many properties. Again, bad news here too because old bong water probably isnt the best thing to be watering your plants with. such as cancer, anemia, and liver and neurological damage. Therefore it required a great deal of thought before adding cannabis ash to the compost pile. Can you add bong water to your compost pile for houseplant fertilizer? Does drinking bong water get you high? With that being said, it is easy to see why a Californian-stoner might feel guilty about dumping their old bong water out and begin to search for utilization of the discarded water; because, after all, every drop counts.. We are NOT lawyers. Truthfully, it was difficult to find any real evidence that using your old bong water for anything would be beneficial. The many contaminants within bong water that it captures during the filtration process mean that it usually ends up with a fairly acidic pH. You need to enter a valid Mailchimp API key. Juice used as bong water will still contain harmful pathogens and substances like ash and resin. Quick fix solution for plants in need of a quick boost of nutrients. In addition, plants also need nutrients like phosphorus, carbon dioxide, oxygen, calcium, and potassium. These harmful substances include. The bong water wont help grow the weeds, but there are better alternatives to removing them than bong water. Here we serve you the best and informative gardening ideas, creative DIY's and limited space gardening tips and tricks. This will help to dilute the bong water and prevent it from causing damage to the pipes or the local water supply. Nevertheless, theres also no evidence that bong water has any positive or negative effects on composting whatsoever. Please consult a professional attorney before acting on anything you may have read on this site. Welcome to our website. During the bong-smoking process, the water in your chamber filters through carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other acidic compounds contained in the smoke. You can lower the acidity of soil by adding calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. The bacteria build-up in the water will be harmful to plants. For one thing, drinking all the bong water in the world isnt going to get you high. So, unfortunately, that is where I will leave it. Naphthalene is an aromatic hydrocarbon made of two fused benzene rings. Archived post. ", Dedicated Contributor, former Grow Room Mod, 420 Magazine Seeking Product Reviewers to Join Our Team, Mark Heinrich aka Smoking Moose Fallen 420 Warrior: Rest In Peace 1955 - 2017, All Content Copyright 1993-2023 420 Magazine All Rights Reserved. Is Bong Water Good for Plants? Because they do not have a central nervous center and are not self-aware, it is safe to assume that plants cannot feel high. 2013-2023 Seed Supreme. Alternatively, you can also pour the water into a sealed container and dispose of it in the trash. From a purely scientific perspective, it is impossible for the water in your bong to soak up enough THC to have any discernible effect whatsoever. From the. International Marijuana news, reviews and forums where you can utilize our scientific and medical articles, helping you to grow your own Cannabis. It would probably knock a buzzard off a shit wagon! Bongwater may be better than no water if your plant is desperate. Some of the reasons it is an excellent idea include it being free, a green way to give plants water, has loads of nutrients, and can loosen up the soil with its force. A small amount of bong water wont kill your plants. They can also benefit from absorbing nutrients like calcium, carbon dioxide, potassium, phosphorous, and oxygen. Whatta Whatta Today With Tito Boying | 04-29-2023 | Whatta Whatta Today Is Bong Water Good for Plants? Bong Water Alternatives This is, My independent research was pretty conclusive on this topic. The basic needs of plants include sunlight, soil, and water. Whoops, you're not connected to Mailchimp. The truth is that you are better off removing the weeds manually or using boiling water to kill the roots of the weed. You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase product on this site in the United States. Bong water is not good for plants. Again, however, science paints an entirely different picture - one that shows watering plants with bong water to be a terrible idea. Though it contains natural plant material and desirable cannabinoids, it also carries harmful elements, germs, and bacteria that could damage or kill your plant. When a plant is being grown in a soil bed that does not have the required pH levels, in practice, this means that the soils acidity is not conducive to the nutritional requirements that the soil has. This is because, by its very nature, the burning of cannabis releases more chemicals and tar, which might be a bad decision for the quality of the compost. While it contains a number of plant derivatives, there are many chemical compounds that can cause stunted growth in plants. He figured that bong water filtered out THC or something. Unless a plant is severely dehydrated, most plants will not benefit from bong water. Are you one of the 66% of Americans with a houseplant? This may be true for plants that like acidic conditions. Click to know. If the idea is that the plant will uptake the residual THC from the "bong" water and make the buds better, then the answer is no. Even in times of pure desperation, under no circumstances should you ever resort to drinking bong water - even as a dare. However, drinking old bong water is not a good idea. It has served its purpose in filtering harmful materials from your smoke. Bacteria and viruses can also be very detrimental to the growth of plants. Cons of rainwater Some of us take water frugality to be of the utmost importance; we take shorter showers, stop watering our lawns, fix leaky faucets, hand wash our cars, flush toilets less, and so on. Alternatives to Bong Water for Plant Fertilization. when smoking through your bong all that burnt plant material is caught in the water and is there broken down. Thus, your bong water contains germs and bacteria that are harmful for consumption--whether by a plant or human. It has been shown to increase the number of fatty acid peroxides, and while the impact on the plant is limited, it still will mean the chemistry of the plants normal growth is changed in ways that do not benefit growth. Depending on what kind of plant you plan to water with your bong water, this acidity could potentially add to the water's harmfulness. First up, we recently dedicated an entire article to this one question alone. Whether you buy cannabis commercially or grow your own at home, youll probably want to make the most of every scrap at your disposal. Vessel name and logo are trademarks of Vessel Brand, Inc. Is Bong Water Good for Plants? - BC WEED ONLINE pouring bong water on plants? | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana But are there any useful things whatsoever you can do with bong water? These toxins are made even more harmful by the fungus, bacteria, and germs that can grow in your stagnant bong water. What Can Bong Water be Used For? - California Weed Blog Lucky for your lungs, it filters out toxins, ash, debris, and a number of other harmful substances. While putting bong water directly on plants is not an excellent idea, you can put it slightly in the compost pile. JavaScript is disabled. Thats almost every one in five Americans! 150 to 350. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Your bong water is brown and full of debris. In addition, bong water has decomposing plant matter from when the filtration occurs on the dry leaves and water, so having that in the water would be suitable for plants. Is Bong Water Good For Plants? | WeedStripes Plants with a bacterial infection may form spots or crispy, brown edges on their leaves. You also need to clean your bong on a regular basis, preferably after each use. The Essential Guide to Cannabis Deficiency, Infused THC Olive Oil: A Step-by-Step Recipe, Klonopin and Weed: A Dangerous Combination. Learn, Find the Best Homemade Fertilizers for Plants Growing in Water. Theres nothing more satisfying than a nice cool, juicy strawberry on a hot afternoon in June. Not only is rainwater great for plants, but you can also collect that water for a later time, which means you can . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Simply put, bong water is not good for plants. Not a consistent source of fertilization, as the nutrient content and quality of bong water can vary greatly. Is Bong Water Good for Plants - Why or Why Not? | Plant Legend And 1 more thing thay they like is talking to them they seem to like that I donno know why but they hate it if you don't pay alot of attention to them supertoker 13 we must go through hell to know the true beauty of heaven. Putting bong water directly onto a plant can be detrimental to its health and may even kill the plant. CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol, another common compound heavily associated with the positive effects of cannabis usage. These materials, as well as ash and burnt plant particles, get trapped in your bong water. Having said that, ashes tend to be added relatively infrequently so as not to overwhelm the current pH levels of the compost with a large volume of heavily alkaline material. It does dry out in the heat of summer. However, you can use bong water in your compost pile for houseplant fertilization. Not to mention again that it does contain natural cannabinoids like THC and CBD from the cannabis plant. Although there is some logic to it because it contains decomposing plant matter, and the bong looks like a mini compost bin that contains tea. This might seem counterintuitive when so much considering how natural the weed being smoked is. burning of plant material breaks it down enough for other organism to use and further break down into nutrients for plants. Despite the fact that bong water may contain decomposing plant matter, its also loaded with the kinds of germs and bacteria that could kill your plants dead. Bong water contains harmful toxins that can cause severe issues to the plant if you dump the water directly on them. No, it isn't. Perhaps you could use a little if your plants are really desperate, but it's not going to have the best effect on their health. , Homemade Fertilizer For Plants Growing In Water | Indoor Home Gardening, Some examples of plants that prefer acidic soil, Whereas some of those that prefer the soil to be more alkaline,,,,,,,, Consistent drawing of smoke through the water, collecting in the bong, Tar, including Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. wildwood_plantlife Well, if you are asking Is Bong Water Good for Plants, then the answer is NO. This is a long standing myth. Still, its not good to regularly dump bong water into your plant. A pile made entirely of coffee grounds, and bong water is too acidic to be useful in your garden. By doing so, you can provide your plants with a healthy and balanced diet that promotes growth and vitality! While its true that smoke contains carbon dioxide, breathing around your plants is better than smoking around them. Poinsettias tend to return to our collective memories around Christmas time. Discover the top weed strains that can help alleviate nausea symptoms in this comprehensive guide to medical marijuana. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health, legal and news topics. Its scientific name is tetrahydrocannabinol, and it binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, causing the famous high feeling associated with smoking cannabis. It not only contains harmful toxins from the smoke, but the stagnant water in your bong attracts fungus and bacteria. However, bong water used for smoking can actually harm the plant. Well, were glad you asked! Despite the fact that bong water may contain decomposing plant matter, it's also loaded with the kinds of germs and bacteria that could kill your plants dead. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Not to mention again that it does contain natural cannabinoids like THC and CBD from the cannabis plant. Bong water isnt all bad, though. Additionally, bong water tends toward the acidic end of the pH scale. is a smoking device for dry herb that uses water to filter smoke. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Bong water is not good for plants. . After all, bong water does contain some natural cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, such as THC and CBD. In addition, dirty bong water is usually pretty high on the acidic side of the pH scale, which is also dangerous or deadly for plants. The device starts by pouring clean water at the bottom and then putting dry plant material and lighting it up. Is Bong Water Good For Plants Or Anything? Rather than throwing out the dirty bong water, you can use it to watering your garden. Still, it is unlikely that the plant can feel its well-being. TM Blast LLC Owns Plant Legend 50 to 150. After all that, are really any practical uses for old bong water? Unfortunately, I have no video to share here, so you will just have to take my word for it or do additional outside investigation Or you could just go smell your bong and see if youd ever truly consider drinking it. After smoking, you may have turned to your cactus or pothos and wondered: is bong water good for plants? Every plant has a range of different nutrients it requires in different amounts. But will bong water get you high? Bong water has materials and components that can help decompose other things in the bin, like eggshells, banana peels, and tea bags. High sulfur in the water. These toxins have been associated with a number of health risks such as cancer, anemia, and liver and neurological damage. actually, all it is, is ash and water, you have a possibility of geting a fungus in the soil(i.e. Not only does marijuana need to undergo a process known as decarboxylation (which requires heat) in order to get you high, it just seems like basic knowledge that ingesting cannabis ashes probably isnt going to have the euphoric effect typically associated with pot use. It's not even advisable to water plants with bong water, as it can contain toxic levels of mold. Simultaneously, it cools the smoke down, making hits less harsh on your throat. Alfalfa is perfect for improving the soil and it improves drainage thanks to its deep roots. The highest a plant can feel is just being healthy. This is often completed in two steps: These steps also contribute to the contaminants that remain in the water, as there is a prolonged period of contact with the users mouth during the first step. Never water plants with old bong water. Simply put, bong water is not good for plants. Why Is Bong Water Good for Plants? [Comprehensive Answer] - iHomeRank Slowly pour the water into the ash catcher, being careful not to overfill it. For more information, please see our Is Bong Water Good For Plants?: A Critical Investigation - HJ By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They are available in a variety of forms, including granular, liquid, and slow-release options. Are you tired of searching for the perfect fertilizer for your plants? Over48.2 million peoplein the United States regularly smoke marijuana. Privacy Policy. Bongwater can provide some necessary hydration, but the acidity, bacteria, and fungi can be toxic for your plants. This might seem counterintuitive when so much considering how natural the weed being smoked is. Consuming bong water is likely to cause vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and/or severe headaches. Its good to know that bong water cant be used for plants, thanks for the tips, Your email address will not be published. Whats the Ideal Pot Size for Autoflowers? While the idea of using bong water for plants might seem appealing, the reality is that it is not recommended due to the high levels of harmful chemicals that it contains. Furthermore, when conducting research on this topic, I found a largely believed misconception that drinking your old bong will actually get you high. Though it contains natural plant material and desirable cannabinoids, it also carries harmful elements, germs, and bacteria that could damage or kill your plant. You can also flavour your smoke with unsweetened cranberry juice. This will depend a great deal on the plants within the bed and their preferred pH levels, which are often the result of the general soil quality in the areas in which they are natively found. For this reason, never use vodka, whiskey, rum, or any other alcoholic beverage in your bong. There are many articles on science-based websites that will tell you that the effects using bong water on your plants are akin to drinking it yourself. You also cannot extract any useable amount of THC from bong water. What's In Bong Water? Why You May Want To Clean Your Bong | Weedmaps Get an Online Medical Marijuana recommendation in under 30 minutes. Bong Water Alternatives, For those who dont know what bong water is, you first need to know what a bong is and how it works. Some research has shown that plastic bongs which are exposed to heat or sunlight can, over time, have plastic leech into the water in the bong as a result of chemical processes occurring within the plastic. Ideas for rain garden? This area gets a lot of water after a rain for Disposing of your bongwater is also important for your own health. Instead, it is best to use commercially available fertilizers, compost, manure, or fish tank water as a safer and more effective solution for plant fertilization. so pouring bong water on a plant will help make them "danker" when compared to just water as the bong water has nutrients in it, not . Drinking bong water and using it to water your plants arent things you should be doing. Bongwater generally consists of dirty water, resin, bacteria, THC, CBD, and ash. Is Having Plants in your Bedroom Good or Bad? When you smoke dry herb from a bong, smoke gets pulled through the water in the chamber. You are using an out of date browser. As a result, you should never apply bong water on or around a plant if you want it to grow effectively. For obvious reasons, you should never pour juice or alcohol into your plants. There are some benefits in which the smoke can help with growth, but this is not because of the water in the bong. In conclusion, it is not a good idea to use bong water on plants. Grow Big :). Step 4: Water up to one-fourth or one-third of the volume of your planter. In addition, dirty and stagnant bong water is a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, viruses, and other nasties. Not only is the high bacterial and mold content bad for plants, old bong water usually has an acidic pH balance and, according to the gardening website, water that is too acidic or too basic can lock some nutrients up and make them unavailable to the plant. Chances are you have been using the same dirty water for the last 10-12 days. What is Bong Water and What Does it Contain? My name is Greg Kristan, and I'm the owner of Plant Legend. Is Bong Water Good For Plants. Be sure to clean your water pipe quickly and thoroughly after using any juice to avoid stains and bacteria. Subscribe to get freebies, discounts and news. Is Bong Water Good For Plants - About Agric Patents issued and pending. Terms of Use | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy. I do know that if it takes 6 months, by the time it becomes available, I'm I plant beginning of May and havest mid Oct. "Just take your banana peels and put them into a container and cover two-thirds of the peels with water . A plants health depends on adequate sunlight, water, and soil. For first-time cultivators and experienced cannabis connoisseurs alike, the question mark hanging over the subject of bong water is as old and constant as the hills. . This can often result in stunted growth as a result of the deficiencies (and sometimes toxicity) that an inappropriate soil pH can cause. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. My independent research was pretty conclusive on this topic. If you feel guilty about wasting water or you want to mix up your smoking experience, you can try using other liquids besides plain water in your bong. Plants that are grown in bong water tend to be healthier and more vigorous than those grown in other types of water. Does Bong Water Help Cannabis Crops? | The Seed Fair It may not display this or other websites correctly. The water contains the waste products of fish, which provide plants with essential nutrients and promote healthy growth. The Best Water for Houseplants - Revealed! - Plantophiles The toxins cause problems with plant growth, and they can also stop the roots from reaching nutrients due to the resin that bong water contains. On the other hand, science about the harmful compounds contained in smoke--whether cannabis or tobacco--is plentiful. Smoke from marijuana produces harmful toxins like naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile that then become trapped in your bong water. Reclaimed water has been safely used for non-drinking . Some say that you might benefit from mixing it with your compost pile simply because it contains plant matter, however, there is no scientific evidence that this is true.

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