Whenever an officers actions or statements lead the suspect to believe they are in custody and are no longer free to leave of their own choice, the officer must give the Miranda Warnings. VIII. D. All badges are considered sensitive equipment. For fireworks seized as evidence, standard procedures for misdemeanor or felony investigations will be followed. b. Any employee who receives a subpoena to bring OPD records to a court hearing will advise the person that they are not the custodian of the records and cannot present them. a. The Lieutenant or their designee will: (1) Check the sworn employees uniform, firearm(s), ammunition, companion equipment, and duty gear during semi-annual unannounced inspections and complete OPD Form 1 for officers and sergeants. Employees are expected to use common sense in determining what is appropriate, keeping in mind that work attire should complement an environment that reflects efficiency, order, and professionalism. If there are two telephonic hearings in one day within the same two hour block of time, officers will be compensated as if they attended only one hearing. Compassion should be used when making notifications. (1) The Permit to Possess Road-Killed Deer or Antelope is a two-part tag that is provided to OPD by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. The Mayors Hotline employees will attempt to obtain the victims verbal consent to remove the graffiti and will record the victims response on the complaint. (1) Bicycle Patrol officers may wear a whistle chain. 2. Officers must pre-pay for the Optional Detective Badge, which will be ordered with the officers serial number printed on it. (4) All officers may wear latex gloves at their discretion for protection. Failure to report any observed or known violations of this directive by any OPD employee may result in disciplinary action. If Uniform Patrol Bureau officers determine that a burglary has occurred to a structure and the possibility exists that suspects may still be inside the structure, officers should immediately request a Canine Team through the 911 Dispatch and, prior to the arrival of the Canine Team, the following steps should be taken: a. In all misdemeanor arrests, the other law enforcement officer will be listed as the reporting party on the Incident Report and their testimony will be recorded in the narrative of the Incident Report or in a Supplementary Report. The fax confirmation sheet will be will be submitted with all other reports. Field officers and employees without remote access to SAFETNet will call the Midwest HIDTA Watch Center (see Appendix A for the phone number). Backup Firearm: A firearm carried in a concealed location while on duty or in uniform (for example, in a vest or ankle holster) in addition to a Primary or Secondary Firearm. A. A. If employees are on-duty they will not receive additional compensation for the ALR telephonic hearing, however the OPD Form 158A must still be completed and sent to the OPD Human Resources Unit. Must be one of the following calibers: .380, .38, .357, .40 S&W, .45 ACP or 9mm, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Chief of Police or their designee. 9. A. Parking citations are placed in the appropriate box outside the Information Services Squad office for transportation to the Violations Bureau. A. When an officer identifies a driver licensed in the State of Nebraska who appears to be unable to safely operate a motor vehicle due to any physical or mental impairment, disease or other condition affecting driving ability, the officer will complete a State of Nebraska Driver Retest Form (DMV form). Iowa: A wig may be worn as long as it conforms to the above specifications for natural hair and is of natural hair color. 3. If the Deputy Chief is not immediately available, a command officer will be designated to notify the family. An officer may receive a radio call to quasi-public property about a vehicle being driven in a reckless or careless manner. Assault on an Officer of the Nebraska Humane Society. 1. If the information is unavailable, for whatever reason, the reporting officer will document the attempt and the reason it was unsuccessful in the narrative of the report. B. C. Supervisors will be cognizant of instances where employees may exhibit signs of possible DV related problems, which may include increased use of force during arrests, alcohol and/or drug abuse, increase in controlling behaviors, stalking activity, aggression towards animals, citizens and fellow officer complaints of unwarranted aggression and verbal abuse. A. CALEA Accreditation chapter 84 is relevant to this policy. Nebraska: c. Move the vehicles to the side of the surface street to allow the flow of traffic to resume and continue with the investigation. (d) Primary, Secondary and/or Backup Firearm(s) is/are holstered properly. B. 2. b. 4. No Report of Occurrence will be completed by OPD employees. A. If at all possible, allow the family every opportunity to visit the officer before death occurs. ACCIDENTS TRUCKS, BUSES AND TRIPLE TRAILER TRUCKS. A. Disable the power at its source, i.e., wall outlet or uninterrupted power source (UPS). EXCEPTIONS: Officers unable to wear a uniform item due to medical reasons will submit written proof of an existing medical condition that would not allow wearing the uniform item to the Office of the Chief of Police. g. Rail systems for mounting lights, backup iron sights, and rail covers. 1. The Coroner will decide if an OPD report is required. This policy is rescinded per General Order #40-13. But some disappear without a trace. The policy is rescinded per General Order #39-01. 1. Deliver the Felony Warrant Folder to the Fugitive Squad mail tray located on the 4th floor next to the CIB console. Additional qualification will be at the officers own expense. Usually, the vehicles are either loading or unloading property adjacent to loading docks. d. Submit subpoenas/notices stamped Hold for Court to the Court Liaison Squad along with the required Court Appearance Forms. Previous OPD General Orders include #15-82, 41-83, 86-88, 82-89, 131-89, 53-90, 5-93, 10-93, 2-94, 1-95, 62-97, 2-11, 40-13, and #9-14. B. II. 1. B. Offer transportation or emergency housing to victims as described above. Citations for Violation of NRS 60-6,267. a. 3. B. All felony or serious misdemeanor crimes where the suspect has fled on foot and a possible tracking exercise could develop. On arrival at the scene of an animal bite case, OPD officers will call for a NHS official immediately regardless of whether the animal is confined or running at large. Officers will advise the driver to obtain an approved safety seat as soon as possible from a safety seat loaner program or retail store. 2. Persons with information about criminal activity and/or the identity or location of suspects who have committed a crime and wish to remain anonymous are encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers. According to the 30-year-Army veteran, Edwards initially appeared helpful but, in fact, resulted in being evasive. A. A. b. 1. Whenever possible, the flow of traffic will be allowed to continue. 8. The official list of mandatory issued Air Support Duty Uniform items will be maintained by the Policy Supply Unit and a published in Appendix B. c. Mandatory issued Air Support Duty Uniform items: 2. When a merchant or financial institution becomes aware of a Forgery or Unauthorized Use of a Financial Transaction Device, they should be directed to contact the OPD Telephone Response Squad. B. Nordby added that a search warrant was authorized, which led to a full search of his bedroom inside the home that Edwards shared with his aunt. The OPD Form 135, containing the Victim and Suspect Information, will be faxed to them immediately, if they have not already received one from DCDC (See Appendix A for the fax number). If a sergeant or supervisor receives a subpoena/notice for an employee who will be unavailable for a court appearance due to annual leave or Injured on Duty status (IOD), the sergeant or supervisor will make a notation on the subpoena/notice and return it to the Information Services Squad. 1. 3. 1. Honor Guard Uniform: A formal ceremonial uniform worn by members of the OPD Honor Guard during official functions as directed by the Commander of the Honor Guard and authorized by the Chief of Police or their designee. Attempts to seek additional information from officers, witnesses, and informants. b. Each case file will be assigned a case number. B. Medal ribbons and Award Ribbons may be worn over the right pocket flap of the Formal Duty Uniform according to the order of precedence detailed below. Previous OPD General Orders include the following: #12-89. 3. The previous OPD General Order is #29-75. "I needed to find out what happened the night she went to talk with him," said Nordby. B. G. Officers will follow all safety procedures and precautions while handling, loading, and unloading firearms. H. When a supervisor is notified of a Foreign National being detained by officers, and either the Foreign Nationals country requires Mandatory Notification or the Foreign National requests consular notification, the supervisor will: 1. A. b. Check four (4) boxes and/or write in three (3) charges in the other boxes for different offenses. A. Captains and Lieutenants in uniform may use body armor vests in lieu of wearing body armor under their uniform shirt. a. a. D. Courtesy Citations are NOT appropriate for violations which have caused accidents. Complete DCDC Form 150 (booking sheet) and present the form to DCDC staff. g. If the canine alerts to a suspect(s) or is involved in a bite situation within the building, officers will not leave the Canine Handler unless they are instructed to do so. A. In these situations, officers should indicate they regret any inconvenience that may have been caused. A. 2. A. Nebraska Revised Statutes 28-1205, 28-1212.01, 28-1212.02, and 28-1212.04 are relevant to this policy. Officers are reminded to book large and/or extremely dirty items of property at the Police Impound Lot. Drivers of authorized emergency vehicles when operating such emergency vehicles pursuant to their employment. 4. A special agreement charge is an administrative charge that allows OPD to hold the person for the federal authorities. Responsibility for investigating traffic accidents based upon the severity of the injuries is as follows: 1. Officers will review the printout and attach it to the DUI Supplementary Report (OPD Form 26) as described below (3). 1. This includes any evidence of torn clothing, smeared make-up, visible or alleged injury, etc. 2. It will become the responsibility of the Omaha/Douglas County Victim Assistance Unit to attempt to contact the Victim for the remainder of the six (6) hour period. If so, how long was the canine on the bite prior to being removed by the canine officer? b. c. Officers will only use OPD Form 26K Attachment 16 and WILL NOT use the Attachment 16 form used by the DCSO. At a minimum, an OPD Crime Lab Unit Supervisor and two Crime Lab Technicians will respond to the scene, when possible. The officer will contact the CVSA Squad and an investigator will assume responsibility for the investigation. a. A. CALEA Accreditation standards 22.2.5, 26.1.1, and 41.3.4 are relevant to this policy. A law enforcement officer may arrest and detain a person for a violation of a Nebraska Revised Statute (NRS) or City of Omaha Ordinance while on-duty or while working in an off-duty capacity. Male sworn employees will have conservative hairstyles and conform to the following standards: 1. B. Hair must be worn outside the uniform shirt and must not extend below the yoke line.. 2. A high visibility, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) compliant traffic control vest is mandatory companion equipment for all sergeants and officers assigned to the Uniform Patrol Bureau and will be carried when on-duty. Accused employees may request a court hearing within five days after service. After faxing the warrant to DCDC, the original will be put back in the Felony Warrant Folder and the folder will be left at the Front Desk to be picked up by the arresting officer. Employees wishing to wear non-award ribbons must complete the OPD Ribbon Authorization/Order Form (OPD Form 82A) requesting authorization. 5. 1. All submissions to the SAFETNet System require a case report number (RB Number). Holsters shall be worn on the officer's strong hand side only. Chaplains are available to assist with the delivery of death messages. However, the release of property held by the OPD is not within the jurisdiction of the County Court except through the replevin process by the alleged owner of the property. This policy is rescinded per General Order #31-14. Lab analysis requires a 25 ml. 2. V. Parking Restrictions at the Douglas County Courthouse and Civic Center. 2. Organizational Equipment: Equipment of a more personal nature issued by the Police Supply Unit for either the duration of an employee's career or while assigned to a specific Unit, Section or Bureau. All OPD employees who investigate a fatal motor vehicle accident will adhere to the provisions of this statute. Act as a witness due to the possibility of false accusations leveled at a NHS officer. b. 1. B. The degree of the violation was great. If the officer(s) suspects the driver will test under .08, but over .04 officers will complete and submit a CDL Sworn Report only. C. Identification of the suspect will include, but will not be limited to: D. Officers will provide the victim with the RB number of the report. 1. It will be the responsibility of the lead investigator in these cases to contact the Douglas County Coroner's Office. Current employees may replace non-serviceable items of uniform on an exchange basis. Previous OPD General Orders include #88-00. 5. C. Keys to the EPU office and storage areas are controlled items and will be kept in the possession of persons assigned to the EPU, or will be locked in the EPU office. 1. Suspicious injury to a child reported by a medical professional. Previous OPD General Orders include #7-75, 31-85, 68-89, 11-90, 28-90, 52-90, 83-90, 14- 91, 4-93, 51-93, 53-94, 65-94, 85-94, 60-95, 63-95, 44-96, 19-98 , 11-00, and 88-02. Child-care resources may include survivors family, friends, or church. a. Non accident-causing violations such as no proof of insurance, expired plates, or expired registration will cause the driver to be cited, or arrested and booked, as policy dictates in the case of any other type of traffic enforcement. A $25,000 reward is offered for information leading to the arrest of homicide suspects. e. Is one party in actual fear of the other? A. Unauthorized Application of Graffiti is a Class III Misdemeanor for a first offense, and a Class IV Felony for second and subsequent offenses (NRS 28-524). If an error is found after a citation is issued to a violator, turned in, and sent to the Records Unit for processing, it shall not be returned to the officer. (b) Considerable other traffic was present. 4. A. If child-care is needed and the survivor does not have family members or friends with whom they are comfortable leaving their child, officers will contact the Child/Victim Sexual Assault Squad (CVSA) to arrange for child- care. Copy of the suspects Criminal History, including all Data Numbers. An officer may arrest a person without a warrant if the officer has probable cause to believe that such person has committed one or more of the following acts to one or more household members, WHETHER OR NOT COMMITTED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE OFFICER: 1. Officer and Supervisor Responsibilities. Ex parte: A legal term meaning "on one side." NOTE: Unmonitored suspects would potentially have access to weapons and personal property. The previous OPD General Orders include #33-84 and #6-91. 1. Honor Guard members are responsible for purchasing a .38 Double Action Revolver. This does not prohibit OPD officers involvement to make certain the situation is secure. You do not have to know the name of the missing person. The Incident Report, Protection Order, or computer printout will be forwarded to the court. Administrative License Revocation (ALR). 2. Initial abuse reports are forwarded to the APS through the Special Victims Unit, Domestic Violence Squad. A. No enforcement is taken for those businesses that have not complied with all provisions of the ordinances. The following forms, as listed below, will be completed as appropriate to the circumstances: 1. a brief traffic stop, citation for a misdemeanor or similar event in which a Foreign National is questioned and then allowed to resume their activities). When evidence of this nature is encountered, specific procedures designed to safeguard stored information must be followed. Read the copy of the warrant to the arrestee. Inquiries regarding the Bears for Children program will be directed to the Neighborhood Services Unit. All cases will be closed by: 3. Prior to placing the fireworks into the designated fireworks storage container, employees will place the fireworks in a paper bag and attach the Tracker label to the paper bag. The subject will refuse to respond to the Super Citation. B. On May 16th, police located O'Grady's car. A. Learn what to do you if you suspect abuse or neglect. 1. Her aunt and friends became concerned and contacted police to report her missing. 4. Death of the Owner: Upon death the expectation of privacy of individuals is absolved. The detention should be only long enough to accomplish the physical GSR testing and incidental questioning. A. A copy of the purchase request will be maintained in the requesting officers training file. Some drugs continue to metabolize in the urine and, as such, it is important that specimens be placed into the refrigerator as soon as possible. 2. ESN (Electronic Serial Number): Control numbers used for cell phone activation in wireless carrier networks. C. If the BAC indicated by the evidentiary breath test or PBT is below .08, or the subject refuses the breath test, and the arresting officer reasonably believes the subject to be impaired by drug(s) other than alcohol: 1. Authorized ribbons are worn only with the Formal Duty Uniform. C. Prior to issuing a Super Citation for a criminal offense, the officer will verify the subject is not presently wanted and does not have any prior convictions that may require booking. Court Appearance Date is missing or wrong. (KMTV) The Omaha Police Department (OPD) is asking for your helping in finding 45-year-old Tamara Sandberg. A. 38 Current Age. A. 4. Once probable cause is established, the UPB officer shall contact the CVSA Squad for further direction. Felony assaults/Shootings. Authorized Firearm: A specific type of firearm authorized by a Bureau Deputy Chief for on duty carry by an officer due to the type of their assignment or other specific need. He said she did not come to his home. 2. b. This is a team. No duty, companion, or other equipment not issued by the Police Supply Unit will be worn with the Honor Guard Uniform.

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