. . . . The following example, shows the do command used to view the Frame Relay, interface configuration while currently in the T1 interface, To undo an issued command or to disable a feature, enter, When you are ready to save the changes made to the, configuration, enter this command. . . . If you already have an ADTRAN.com log in account, complete the following to access the requested page. . . . 527 . . This portion of the guide provides a detailed listing of all available commands for the ADTRAN OS CLI . . . . . . . . . HSSI Interface Configuration Command Set . . . . . . command to determine your error. . . . question mark, do any of the following: ami - Alternate Mark Inversion . . . . The command causes the peer's routes to be reprocessed with any new parameters. If you are new to the ADTRAN Operating Systems (AOS) Command Line Interface (CLI), take a few CLI Shortcuts on page 10 for more information. . . . Our Total Access 5004 Micro Cabinet is the industrys most flexible, modular fiber access solution for rural and low-density broadband service delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . Specifies the minimum size of the ECHO_REQ packet, Specifies the maximum size of the ECHO_REQ packet, Specifies the interval used to determine packet size when performing the. . . . . . . . Specifies which configured TDM group to use for this cross-connect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Global Configuration mode. . . Use the. Continuing to press the, up arrow key cycles through all commands entered starting with the most recent, Pressing the key after entering a partial (but unique) command will complete the. Display a list of all subcommands in the current mode. . . . . . . . Applies to all mode command sets except Basic mode. . . . . . Clears only the SAs associated with the far-end peer IP address given. . Each configuration mode supports a set of commands specific to the configurable . The following example clears the maximum-used buffer statics: clear counters [ ]. Each command listing contains pertinent information including the default value, a description of all sub-command parameters, functional notes for using the command, and a brief technology review. . . If additional pre-sales support is needed,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ADTRAN CLI has two command security levels Basic and Enable. You need only enter enough letters to identify a command as unique. . The Total Access 5000 is designed for deploy-ment in 23-inch relay racks and has 22 access module slots. . Use the clear counters command to clear all interface counters (or the counters for a specified interface). . The following example removes the entry for from the ARP cache: Use the clear bridge command to clear all counters associated with bridging (or for a specified bridge-group). . . . . . . . . . . In addition, certain ADTRAN systems may n-Command provides a visual up/down status of each discovered device and enables a user to launch telnet, SSH, or browser access with a few simple mouse clicks. . . . . . . a copy of the software for backup purposes. . CLI Dictionary ADTRAN TA5000.pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. . HomeProductsLinesNetVantaTotal Access 5000 System Controller Module Products Categories Lines Bluesocket hiX MX NetVanta NetVanta 800 Series NetVanta 1100 Series NetVanta 1500 Series NetVanta 3100 Series NetVanta 3200 Series NetVanta 3300 Series NetVanta 3400 Series NetVanta 4000 Series NetVanta 5000 Series NetVanta 6000 Series Specifies the virtual interface on the other end of the cross-connect. . . 692 1043 The ifAlias OID is a member of the ifXEntry object-type (defined in RFC2863) used to provide a non-volatile, unique name for various interfaces. . . . . . . . . Depth: 12 in. . . Adtran, 1187020E1,TA5000 2GE SWITCH MODULE Network access for the Total Access 5000 system Provides communications path between the System Controller Module (SCM) and the installed modules Provides Ethernet Switching for the entire system SFPs allow for a range of optical and electrical network connections 802.ah for Ethernet Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) Connectivity Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The clear ip bgp command must be issued to re-initialize the BGP process between the peers matching the given arguments. . . login password, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . In addition, the Total Access 5000 provides highly scalable, integrated aggregation utilizing multiple 10GbE, 40GbE, and 100GbE interfaces. . . . . . . When exiting the Global Configuration mode, remember to perform a copy running-config startup-config to save all configuration changes. . . . The following example creates a Frame Relay endpoint and connects it to the T1 1/1 physical interface: 1. . Series units. . . Try using the. . . . . . . . . . The following example clears all counters for the access list labeled MatchAll: Use the clear arp-cache command to remove all dynamic entries from the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache table. . . to. . . . . . . . . . . exit, Step 4: exit. . . . technology review. . . !!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Try using the, The command may not be valid in the current command mode, or you may . . applicable commands or will give syntax information for the entry. The following is a list of output messages from the ping command: The following is a list of available extended ping fields with descriptions: Specifies the IP address of the system to ping. . . . . . . . . . . . while in the The following table contains descriptions of common CLI commands. . commercial losses even if ADTRAN has been advised thereof as a result of issue of this publication. . . . . . . . . . . The following provides an example of the, entering . . . . . . . . . . . Page Count: 1200 Upload a User Manual 2022 UserManual.wiki . . . . . . . . . This portion of the Command Reference Guide is designed to introduce you to the basic concepts and . . . . . . . . . . . . GPON module basic test examples - MikroTik Wiki . . . . . . 0 ASN parse errors, AOS version 06.01.00 . . . . This portion of the Command Reference Guide is designed to introduce you to the basic concepts and strategies associated with using the AOS CLI. . . . Also use the tdm-group command to specify the per-DS0 signaling rate on the interface. The system will display a list of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The out version of this command provides a soft reset out to occur by causing all routes to be re-sent to the specified peer(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ADTRAN CLI contains help to guide you through the configuration process. . . . Community List Command Set. 692 Frame Relay Sub-Interface Config Command Set . . . . . . "+g@KO f1uweij1Ht(w'PcH(D4Td"`AGl . . . . . . (Austria, Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, . . . Use the enable command (at the Basic Command mode prompt) to enter the Enable Command mode. . . . . . Backup Configurations . . . . . . Specifies a single interface. . 13. . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . up arrow key cycles through all commands entered starting with the most recent . Your reseller should serve as the first point of contact for support. . . . . . . . . . See the following table for descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An Export License is required if an ADTRAN product is sold to a Government Entity outside of the EU+8 . . This method of clearing is disruptive and causes peer routers to record a route flap for each route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1528 0 obj
. . . . . . . Supported layer 2 protocols include Frame Relay and point-to-point protocol (PPP). . . . If the password is set, access to the Enable Commands (and all other privileged commands) is only granted when the correct password is entered. updated firmware releases, latest product documentation, service request ticket generation and 281 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The following section contains descriptions of commands that are common across multiple command sets. . . . . . Page 8: Troubleshooting Procedure . Current system image file is "030018adv.biz" . . . 620 Demand Interface Configuration Command Set . . Clears only a portion of the SAs by specifying the authentication header (AH), protocol and a security parameter index (SPI). The ifAlias OID is a member of the ifXEntry object-type (defined in RFC2863) used to provide a Tunnel Configuration Command Set. . . . . . . . The following is a sample show version output: Checksum: 1F0D5243 built on Fri Nov 08 13:12:06 2002, Upgrade key: de76efcfeb4c8eeb6901188475dd0917, Checksum: 7A3D built on: Fri Nov 08 13:12:25 2002, UNIT_2 uptime is 0 days 4 hours 59 minutes 43 seconds, Current system image file is "030018adv.biz", Boot system image file is "030018adv.biz". . . the applicable Frame Relay timers logging thresholds, encapsulation types, etc. . . . . . . . CaPS should also be contacted to obtain information regarding equipment currently in house or possible fees associated with repair. or show interface ? . to the . . Refer to enable password [md5] on page 335 for more information. . Most neighbor changes, including changes to prefix-list filters, do not take effect until the clear command is issued. By default, there are no configured cross-connects. . . . . The following example defines a unique character string for the T1 interface: (config-t1 1/1)#alias CIRCUIT_ID_23-908-8887-401. . . . For example: . . . . . Please enter a search term before pressing submit. . . IKE Client Command Set . The ADTRAN CLI has four configuration modes to organize the configuration commands Global, Line, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legend: '!' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The clear dump-core command clears diagnostic information appended to the output of the show version command. . . . . . . . . 1063 . . 967 CA Profile Configuration Command Set. . . . The uptime was a 342 days, we reloaded, next day the logs started filling up again. Se1 UNKNOWN (0x00FF): LCP not open, discarding packet. IKE Policy Command Set . . . Specifies the IP address of the entry to remove. . . . . . Warnings provide information that could prevent endangerment to human life. . . . . . . Specifies the interface (physical or virtual) on one end of the cross-connect. . . serial cable. . Total Access 5000 Series Getting the most out of your network With a pure Ethernet core, our Total Access 5000 (TA5000) Series is a 10Gbit/s fiber access platform that supports 10G Combo PON, GPON, XGS-PON, point-to-point, Active Ethernet and dedicated Carrier Ethernet services, among others. . . . . . . . . . . This requirement is per DOC/BIS ruling G030477 issued 6/6/03. . . . . . Connect your ADTRAN device to the server with a serial cable. . In addition, certain ADTRAN systems may contain additional conditions for obtaining software upgrades. The following is an example of a successful ping command: Target IP address: Repeat count[1-1000000]:5 Datagram Size [1-1000000]:100 Timeout in seconds [1-5]:2 Extended Commands? . . . Create the Frame Relay virtual endpoint and set the signaling method: (config)# interface frame-relay 1 (config-fr 1)# frame-relay lmi-type cisco. . . . . . . . . Our Total Access 5004 (TA5004) is a compact 10Gbit/s fiber access platform that simplifies high-capacity broadband services delivery into MDUs, emerging neighborhoods, remote cabinets and rural locations. . . . . 500 . . . . . . Configure the VT100 terminal or terminal emulation software to the following settings: For more details on connecting to your unit, refer to the Quick Configuration Guides and Quick Start Guides located on the ADTRAN OS Documentation CD provided with your unit. . . . . . . Use the do command to view configurations or interface states after configuration changes are made without exiting to the Enable mode. Describes the interface (for SNMP) using an alphanumeric character string. Your reseller should serve as the first point of contact for support. This shortcut is helpful when using . . . . . . . . . . . 1052 IKE Client Command Set . This copies your, changes to the units nonvolatile random access memory, (NVRAM). . . (The above prompt is for the, Ethernet . . . . For example, all interface configuration commands are accessible only through the Enable security level. . . . E1 Interface Configuration Command Set . . . . . ADTRAN Support website provides a variety of support services such as a searchable knowledge base, . . . . . Enter clear counters ? . . . 1028 . . . Part number1187004F1. . . . . . . . . . This. . . . Line (Telnet) Interface Config Command Set. . . Applies to all interface mode command sets. . . . . For, Jump to the beginning of the displayed command line. . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . cross-connect 1 ? . . . . . have your unit serial number available when you call. . . . . . . strategies associated with using the AOS CLI. The following table contains a brief description of each level. . . . . . . . . Used when a physical interface is specified in the subcommand. . All of this, and more, is available at: When needed, further pre-sales assistance is available by calling our Applications Engineering Department. . #, while at the Global Configuration mode . specifications or fails while in service. . . . . the ADTRAN Support website provides a variety of support services such as a searchable knowledge base, . . . . Use the clear event-history command to clear all messages logged to the local event-history. . . . . . . . . . DSX-1 Interface Configuration Command Set . . Line (Console) Interface Config Command Set . . . . . . . . . control identifier (DLCI). . . . Identifies the cross-connect using a number descriptor or label for (useful in. . . . endstream
. contain additional conditions for obtaining software upgrades. . . . . . . . Specifies the name (label) of an access list. . . . . following creates a cross-connect (labeled . . A hard reset clears the TCP connection with the specified peers, which results in clearing the table. Checksum: 7A3D built on: Fri Nov 08 13:12:25 2002 . . . . . 0 Bad versions ADTRAN ISDN terminal adapters (TAs) can be used to provide basic rate interface (BRI) connectivity to routers without BRI interfaces.
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