In 1927, in the records of Japanese government figures prepared by the Inspection Bureau of the Gyeongseong . After the record pertaining to the issue of her pregnancy and Delivery Office, there would be no further record of Hwabin until the mention of her death. It cant be helped that people tend to view the history using their modern lens, when the condition and situation back then were so different as compared to us now. In order to make the happy occasion memorable, taxes were reduced so that the citizens could also be happy and celebrated the new Crown Prince.. Even in the edict from Queen Jeongsun for the marriage ban during the concubine selection precisely stated that the king was not interested in any court maid and did not have any interest in producing an heir. I just watching the entire series yesterday and I am currently in my post-drama obsessing phase leading to my discoveries among korean commenters than this was based on true history. But then, there were traces of what was happening around them afterward. Theory 1: Jeongjo first met Uibin during his early years (before he was 10) when he was at his mother, Lady Hyegyeongs house. As soon as he was officially allowed to take in a concubine, he proposed to Uibin. The person who suggested it was Kim Jong-su, the minister who was given the power but not Jeongjos trust. The enshrinement of the spirit tablet at Munhyos tomb: The first protocols detailing the process of enshrining the spirit tablet after the burial. The official reason for rejection: Queen Hyoui had not given birth to a child yet, so she would not dare to receive his grace. Jeongjo proposed to Uibin for the second time in 1780, so it was clear that despite the first rejection, his intention to make her his concubine and his feelings towards her never changed. The coming-of-age ceremony would mean that the person was considered adult, hence the ability to take in concubines as well. Judging from her death, which was recorded to be inside the palace too, she was not forced to leave the palace, but rumour has it that she was confined to her palace (similar to being in house arrest). This is just my humble attempt at translating whatever I can from the post, although there are just way too many details about the family background of the other figures that I had to put aside for nowbecause I just want to make everyone cry with me. Reformative King Jeongjo Was Not Fatally Poisoned The only mention of his feelings toward a woman was only about Uibin. king jeongjo wrote her epitaph. Jeongjo was widely known as the king who never showed his emotions and even his own courtiers did not have an inkling of his innermost thoughts. Perhaps, she herself had her own share of worries unbeknownst to anyone. They would rely on each other during difficult times. History of The Joseon Dynasty - Late Joseon Period - LiquiSearch With Nadine Hart, Jaehan Pag. Lady Hyegyeong and the courtiers even proceeded to request for a new building to be constructed instead of carrying so much repair works, but Jeongjo refused to do so. Uibins father Seong Yun-woo used to be Hong Bong-hans house steward, and the family of the house steward normally stayed together inside the same house compound with the owners family. The young prince indeed grew up under the expectation and blessings from his father and the whole nation. Netizens Find Handwriting in Letter From Korean Prince Cute All his concubines before Lady Seong was concubines selected from noble families, with the aim to produce an air for the royal family. It was a rare occurrence for a royal womans personal name to be recorded. To lose his loved ones in the same year. Epitaph, King Crimson: Testo, Traduzione e Significato - Legendary Cover With Jeongjos high status, it was possible and permissible for him to force his way on her. 149). So, it wasnt that Jeongjo liked her because she was young or that he had any unnecessary ambition, but it was because of strong love which made him unable to forget Uibin despite the rejection. The name is still used until today for a road nearby the area. For a king like Jeongjo in his mid-age, the lack of heir was truly a worrying issue. While Jeongjo was living apart from his mother Lady Hyegyeong in order to stay by Yeongjos side, Princess Hwawan played the mother part, to the point of driving a wedge between Jeongjo and Queen Hyouis relationship, hence being the reason why Queen Hyoui did not have a good marital harmony with Jeongjo. Royal Noble Consort Wonbin Hong - Wikipedia He later got a management post at the district office but was swept under the suspicion of embezzlement and he almost died in the process. Although it was second nature to him, Jeongjo only grew even more workaholic in his latter years, The only fun thing he did in his spare time was probably gathering the courtiers for an endless round of drinking alcohol until everyone nearly passed out. Please come back to the palace. Even after the 3-year mourning period ended, he continued to do so. The future Royal Noble Consort Ui was born on the July 8, 1753. Lady Seong had seven siblings: five brothers and two sisters. In the series, Yi San was also almost turning 50 years old when he died in his sleep. Questions? His son Sunjo too would continue to honour Uibin himself, knowing that she was a precious person to his father. 100 Memorable Epitaphs and Headstone Quotes - After staying there for two months, she returned to Changdeok Palace in the 9th month. The pun should get a rise out of anyone who visits Yeast's gravesite in a Ruidoso, New Mexico cemetery. Even after her death, Lady Hong Wonbin continued to be honoured; her tomb was given the name won, which was reserved for a concubine who had given birth to the next king, which was second highest after the tomb name reung reserved for the king and queen. Even in the Veritable Records, her cause of death was only written as an unknown illness. Her family tombs were moved because of the unsuitable location. Especially Hong In-han, who was the step-brother of Hong Bong-han, Lady Hyegyeongs father. 54 Years Late, Dorothy Parker Finally Gets a Tombstone. He could not even follow her to death. Unlike ordinary noble ladies, she seemed to be happily running around at the same time growing up to be a lady with clear thoughts. Selected concubines would be chosen among the harmless illustrious family. I also tried to look up Uibin and Jeongjo in Chinese and struggled super hard to read the classical Chinese text of Uibins epigraph. Joseon's Tragic Love Story: King Jeongjo and the Court Maid Uibin seemed a good partner in conversation with wit and humour, making it fun to talk with. Seong Yun-u's third wife was Lady Ji of the Danyang Ji clan ( , ). I didnt fully understand classical Chinese text so I didnt quite get that detail. Unlike kings preceding him, Jeongjo did not mention much about his Queen or his concubines (compared to King Sejong who mentioned Queen Soheon affectionately and expressed his warmth towards his concubine Lady Kim Shinbin). Only Uibin knew her real feelings. Jeongjo probably loved Uibin even more because of her personality like this, but he would feel bad for her.. I need to be frugal with luck so I can pass it on to Crown Prince Munhyo.. Yeongjos reaction towards Sados death was a mixed one. I cant even find the exact Korean text of The Diary of Lady Sukchang, only a post on the research conducted on the said novel in Korean. She was also the person who gave birth to Jeongjos first child. Normally, even the queens Delivery Office would be set up on the due date itself. Even the naming system for members of the royal family and the consorts varied according to their status. Lady Seong grew up and Jeongjo started to pursue her seriously. The spirit tablets of Crown Prince Munhyo and Uibin were enshrined in the same shrine, which was as the above situation, would not be acceptable in ordinary situation considering their difference in status. Pardon me for not rising." One of Yeast's loved ones evidently took advantage of his unusual last name to bring us this memorable epitaph. Her father died in 1769, at the age of 60. Jeongjo was staying at Yeongchunheon, a building so small and old that it was in a worse condition than an ordinary noble house. How did people end up concluding that Uibin had two miscarriages before the birth of Munhyo? Even the appeal written by Kim Jong-su suggesting Hong Guk-young be kicked out was Jeongjos idea.. The person he wished to spend his life with was now beside him, and the birth of his son solved the issue of heir plaguing his court. It was almost impossible to find a court maid who had rejected a king or crown princes advances, not to mention one with her personal reason being the ground for rejection. Other than books, nothing can cheer me up during my free time.. Film. Hong Guk-youngs sister, Lady Hong Wonbin, was Jeongjos first selected concubine, but she died in 1789, less than a year after she entered the palace. I am still on my post-drama high so I probably read more materials pertaining to TRS and the irl history (which is honestly a first for me, Ive never been so invested in the background of a drama like this tbh). It was surprising to see so many people at that time being so interested in the kings private life. Jeongjos life at that time was full of ups and downs: If you wonder how extreme the obsession was, it was to the point of her being jealous of the books he loved. 54 Years Late, Dorothy Parker Finally Gets a Tombstone king jeongjo epitaph for uibin - king jeongjo wrote her epitaph - The records just indicated that a court lady was pregnant, but it no record of the birth so netizens claimed that it could have been another court lady and not necessarily Uibin. Maybe this was also how she became a reason for Lady Hyegyeong to cheer herself up during her difficult days before; a younger Uibin would be playing around with the other court maids and spent time with the princesses transcribing novels. Seong Yun-u's first wife and daughter of Ma Si-haeng (, ). But then, the Rough Drafts probably had some error in calculation, since Veritable Records of Jeongjo mentioned Hwabins due date was in the 1st month of 1781. He only ordered for the funeral to be conducted following the rites used for Lady Seonhui (Yi Yeongbin) in the year 1764. He was among the youngest to be made the Crown Prince, following the likes of Gyeongjong and Crown Prince Sado. King Jeongjo the Great (1752 -1800) was a benevolent reformer who provided employment to 700,000 common people with good wages and excellent benefits while building his prized project, the Suwon . Jeongjo expressed his delight after gaining himself a son in front of his courtiers in several instances. When Seongjong's first Queen died after five years of marriage and left him without an heir, he married Yoon and made her his second Queen. Jeongjo decided to take a step back, because he either cherished Uibin so much, or that he decided to respect her intention. But then, she was already in her mid-30s at that time. The painting shows the grandeur of the procession composed of 6,200 escort guards and 1,400 horses. Hence, one could not help but to wonder if his promotion was indeed thanks to Uibins influence. alina rest ! on Instagram: "historical facts: lady seong died of a This was the only Royal Protocols detailing the investiture ceremony for a Crown Prince in Joseon Dynasty. Ia secara luas dianggap sebagai seorang . His maternal grandfather Hong Bong-han was denounced by Kim Kwi-ju multiple times and by the time Jeongjo ascended the throne, his influence was almost gone; he removed himself from the government and passed away in 1778. Jeongjo of Joseon Biography - 22nd King of Joseon (r. 1776-1800) He got his first - a prince 6 years later. It was not known whether Lady Hyegyeong or her daughters ever knew about Jeongjo and Uibins close relationship at that time. [4] Her mortuary was set up at Anhyeon Palace, which was uncommon. 20: John Yeast: "Here lies Johnny Yeast. No, I dont think there is any record of any Chinese emperors doing the same. ER. Being noble in Joseon was not only about inheriting the status but maintaining it. I feel like there is an online Baidu forum thread that is set to promote that Uibin had a miserable life living under Jeongjos strictness and oppression. Jeongjo probably wanted people to find what he wrote detailing Uibins life, and that might be his way of showing his undying and eternal love for his wife. It was impossible for a Crown Prince and a royal concubine to be interred in the same area, but Jeongjo built Munhyo and Uibins tombs next to each other. Her title Ui was personally chosen by Jeongjo himself. Yungneung / Geolleung Royal Tomb (a.k.a, Yunggeolleung - TRIPPOSE Name, dates, and quote. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. (Subins family was related to Queen Jeongseong (Yeongjos first queen consort) and Queen Jeongsuns family through marriage, so that could be the reason she was chosen for the position. Yungneung () is the joint tomb of King Jangjo (1735-1762) and Queen Heongyeong (1735-1815). In the end, her family lost everything to the Westerners after Gapsul Hwanguk (where Lady Jang was demoted back to her concubine position from the queens seat, Queen Inhyeon regaining her status, Southerners losing their power to Noron, and the end was not pretty for Lady Jang). According to the Memoirs, Jeongjos relationship with his maternal family turned out better after Hong Guk-young was gone. At that moment, Uibin was away to nurse her health back to normal after giving birth, but that unfortunate thing happened. All the selected concubines during Jeongjos reign were of the highest rankless Bin other words, it was like having another queen consort who received the treatment as a concubine. Well, it was natural if she ever found out at that point, since it would be so out of blue for Jeongjo to suddenly punish a maids servant without any reason..). Subin gave birth to a princess (Sukseon) and this would the last of Jeongjos children. (Uibins life right before her passing was a repetitive cycle of pregnancy and childbirthunlike selected concubines or the queen, whose sleeping arrangements with the king had to be calculated and scheduled, concubines of the court maid origin did not have that privilegeso the king would be free to visit his favoured concubine every single day. In the first theme, To Be a King in the Joseon Dynasty: From Birth to Throne, the historical transitions of the Joseon dynasty and the meaning of being a king are traced. Upholding simplicity is not about saving your wealth in a box; its about being frugal with your luck.. Hence, there is a huge possibility for a young Uibin to have grown up in the Hong familys house. According to the Rough Drafts of Master Ijae (pen name for Hwang Yun-seok, an official during Jeongjo era; this draft was considered a valuable source of history of late Joseon Dynasty due to its accuracy in dates when compared with the official records), in the 12th month of 1780, Lady Yoon Hwabin was expected to give birth in the 2nd month of 1781, while Uibin (at that time was just a special court lady, the title for a court maid who received the kings grace but had not received an official title for concubine) was also few months pregnant. 20 Memorable Epitaphs | HowStuffWorks But then.. a few months after Munhyos death, Uibin succumbed to her illness and passed away in Junghuidang while she was still pregnant. The rankless Bin simply implies that the titleholder would be the person to give birth to the next reigning king. Jeongjo did visit the tombs until few months before Sunjos birth, but the visit stopped after that. In 1637 he returned to Wonju. The heir was born, but the officials could not ask for the heir to be named out of consideration for Hwabin, who still had not given birth at that time. My wifes heart has grown weak and shows symptoms of heart ailment. For instance, Kyungmogung, the shrine Jeongjo built for his father Sado was the biggest among the shrines, and he also built the Jagyeongdang Hall for Lady Hyegyeong in Changgyeong Palace. The horrific execution of his father left Lee San nothing but struggles for his succession to the throne. Munhyos death became a huge blow to Uibin mentally, to the point of her becoming seriously ill. She spent her time in respite at the Gyeonghui Palace. Over the course of seventeen episodes, The Red Sleeve Cuff tells the story of a determined court lady who wanted to protect . In the Changdeok Palace complex, there were two areas that were used as the residence for the Crown Prince: Jeoseungjeon Hall and Simindang Hall. 8th day of the 9th month Jeongjo bestowed workers and land for the construction of Munhyos future residence. Jeongjo included his wife Uibin, who had never given birth to a king, in the memorial service held for his grandmother Yeongbin and his great-grandmother Sukbin. Jeongjo had a total of four royal concubines; Lady Hong Wonbin, Lady Yoon Hwabin, Lady Park Subin, and Lady Seong Uibin. The future Queen Hyoui was born on 5 January 1754 in the twenty-ninth year of King Yeongjo's reign. But then, the record of a pregnant court maid suddenly appeared in 1780. Simply speaking, Uibin was a tenacious person with a clear mind, at the same time being a weak-hearted human who clearly showed her emotions like happiness and sadness, In Jeongjos eyes, Uibin was no different than a goddess lol but people around her also adored her, due to her generous and thoughtful self. As for Sukjong, who was able to take in Lady Jang Huibin as his concubine despite her belonging to his superior was due to the approval by the superior herself, Queen Jangryeol (also known as Queen Dowager Jaui, Injos second consort and the main figure of the Yesong Dispute) due to Huibins family background as a Southerner. It was not written where exactly she went to recover after the birth; the only mention of the place she went to recover was only after Munhyos unfortunate death, where she went to Gyeonghui Palace to take a break. It was a very rare occurrence for a king to personally write an epitaph for his concubine. One of Jeongjos life goals was to honour his father Sado, and the honouring of Lady Yi Yeongbin (Sados birth mother was also a much-needed task at hand. Uibins aunt became a concubine of a nobleman named Jeong Bang, and this man would later become the Minister of Works after Uibin became a concubine. Uibins Delivery Office (hosancheong) was lower than that of Hwabin (sansilcheong), but hers was actually planned one month from her expected delivery date. Things that Jeongjo did after Uibins death: To think that Jeongjo spent 14 more years living while achieving so many things before he himself succumbed to deathonly he knew what it feels to lost people he truly cherished one after another, after a short moment of bliss. But then, this second time around, Uibin rejected Jeongjo again. Jeongjo began to treat women coldly after that. 1 63 116 Gia @aesolstice Nov 21, 2021 No one can imagine the pain King Jeongjo have to bear that year. Maybe it was also a way for Jeongjo to protect Uibin and Munhyo from scrutiny, since it would make people talk if he happened to raise the status of her immediate family. Thank you for dropping by and leaving the comment ^.^ It was painful for both Uibin and Jeongjo to lose their daughter. Significato di Epitaph. ENDING EXPLAINED: How Yi San And Sung Deok Im's Love - Gia Allana Sejong did not take easily take in favoured concubines recklessly when his father Taejong was still alive and only proceeded to have a lot of favoured concubines after Taejongs passing. She was the only woman Jeongjo chose willingly in his lifetime. "Epitaph of Uibin Seong" written by King Jeongjo in 1786, documents his romantic tale with Uibin Seong [ACADEMY OF KOREAN STUDIES] Of course, it was only natural for a king to prefer someone he personally chose instead of the selected concubines, who might appear as his duties to marry. Uibin Seong passed away on September 14th, 1786 (lunar calendar). Perhaps, Uibins empty place was too huge for him to fill in and he just lost his free will. It is a combination of the epitaph. Jeongjo intented to let the mother and son to protect each other in the afterlife by letting them rest eternally in the same place. He was determined to do something about it, but the political situation and the financial issues made him postpone the intention. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide the historical background and put together this wonderful comprehensive post to explain the records that exist out there. Fearsome Facts About King Yeongjo, Father Of The Mad Prince - Factinate Maybe Jeongjo wanted to avoid the sentiment of Sunjo being regarded as his second son. Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying. The family background of Uibin was written in detail in the Rough Drafts, and even her personal name was mentioned there. Jeongjo himself composed a eulogy for her. . King Jeongjo (28 October 1752 - 18 August 1800) was the 22nd ruler of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea (r. 1776-1800). This might be different from the assumption that Uibins family did not receive decent treatment, but it could be that Uibin kept refusing Jeongjos offer and he still wanted to do something for her family, hence the promotions offered to her slightly distant relatives. But then, since there was no record or whatsoever of what happened right after the proposal until Jeongjo himself decided to tell the world about it, he probably waited for the chance to meet her himself without anyone around, only to end up hearing her rejection. Of course, a new building construction could be a necessity, but it was also a way for the king to express his love. Not only he wrote the entire love story of him in the epitaph for her, but he also wrote down himself, the word I love you in it.

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king jeongjo wrote her epitaph