In an interview with Adweek, Harbour described the ad as wildly self-aware: The fact that you have this character whos sort of this Rod Serling of The Twilight Zone of advertising, sort of coming in and being like, Wow, maybe every ad is like a Tide ad, and then he pops up in all of these different ads to kind of reveal to you that what you think youre watching is not actually what youre watching. When Zuckerberg was called to testify in congressional hearings in 2018, lawmakers threatened more stringent regulation of Facebook. Managing Issues Organizations face all sorts of issues that can develop into crises, if they are not managed appropriately. Employees who returned to work in the days after the storm were greeted with a simple sign at the gate that said, Come help us. Hundreds of workers returned right away to help with the cleanup. Practitioners recognize that winning in the court of public opinion can be as important, if not more important, than winning in a court of law. However, some works have entered the public domain, meaning that copyrights have expired, been forfeited by the owner, or otherwise do not apply. Communication via social media means considering not just how you will reach your organizations followers, fans and subscribers but also how they will reach back to your organization and how they will share content with one another. Authenticity The degree to which one communicates reliably, accurately and true to his or her own character and the character of the organization that he or she represents. And this is a happy outcome! Nobel Prizewinning economist Milton Friedman took this logic to an extreme in a famous 1970 article published in The New York Times Magazine titled The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits. Whether you agree with Friedman or not, he raises interesting ethical questions about how for-profit companies balance their need to make money with their responsibilities as corporate citizens. How is it easier with social media? RELATED UNIVER SAL ACC REDITATION BOARD COMPETENCY AREAS 1.2 RESEARCH (APPLIC ATIONS) 1.8 IMPLEMENTATION 2.2 ETHIC AL BEHAVIOR 2.4 PRIVAC Y ISSUES 2.5 OTHER LEGAL ISSUES 6.5 NET WORKS E Selective attention ven in the days when most news was printed on paper, when tweets Process of filtering information by were sung by birds, when a snap meant something had broken, and focusing on some stimuli in the when chatting was something you did with the person in front of you, environment while ignoring others. Public relations strategy should be grounded in cultural insights and research from the beginning not as an afterthought. In a crisis, follow the same logic as a physician treating an illness. And if we lose sight of the idea that what our publics are looking for is how our personal and professional characteristics can help them, we ignore the fact that the whole idea of personal branding is for other people to get to know us as real humans who are good co-workers, employees, consultants and so on. 3.2 Define advertising and marketing, and discuss how those functions may diverge from public relations. Flight to Denver. 12. In research reports for the Institute for Public Relations, Professors Linda Hon and James Grunig took these strategies and recommended a shift to focus on public, rather than interpersonal, relationships. When an angry customer called Little Italy Restaurante in Anchorage, Alaska, to complain about a delivery driver, owner P. J. Gialopsos advocated for her employee rather than accommodating the customer.5 The driver, who has a speech impediment and autism, delivered the wrong order, leading the customer to complain irately, use foul language and accuse the driver of being on drugs. Functions as the conscience of the organization. Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Robert K. Merton, Mass Communication, Popular Taste and Organized Social Action, in The Communication of Ideas, ed. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. In 2002, National Public Radio (NPR) tried to make users obtain permission to link to stories with a policy stating, Linking to or framing of any material on this site without the prior written consent of NPR is prohibited. It did not go over well. secrets even after they no longer Competition is a key provision in the PRSA Code of Ethics, which lists work for the organization. How do international laws help? Track down the significance of a symptom or combination of symptoms and logically conclude what should be done. Anna Tingley, BTS Performs on SNL Making History for K-Pop,, April 14, 2019, www 416 NOTES 5. ENGAGING YOUR COMMUNITY If youve ever received a response from a brand on social media, youve engaged with a community manager. When Laskin interviewed investor relations managers, he found they overwhelmingly agreed that building relationships with investors and analysts is one of the most important things they do. Segmenting Referring Sources A second important use of analytics is segmenting the referring sources for web visitors. 1 (2008): 7199, 75. In 2000, BP introduced a new logo as part of a major re-branding campaign by its agency, Ogilvy & Mather. The same goes for organization-public relationships. B2C software usually means e-commerce platforms in which an end user can initiate and complete a transaction online. Convergence 59 other media, and Tides parent company Procter & Gamble (P&G) reported double digit sales growth for Tide Ultra Oxi after the game.11 The creative composition of the ad was weirdly effective, and so was the mix of companies behind the ad. In todays world, advertising agencies have PR and marketing teamsand vice versa. Not only do they have the obligatory Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Reddit buttons, but the content is actually something I might want to share with my friends on these networks (or in my book-writing, as with the picture of surfer Carissa Moore). HEAD (COGNITIVE) Learning about high-context and low-context communication through reading is mostly a cognitive endeavor. Simple checklists of tasks with due dates also are helpful in planning. Crisis Response Strategies 339 Cambridge Analytica chose a deny strategy, and ended up collapsing within a few months. Consider how you will reach people on mobile and social media but also how they will reach back to your organization and how they will share content with one another. Research in public relations planning likely will not require such an intense personal commitment. Im sure there are people who are deeply annoyed by cable news channels, but who still work hard to accommodate their TV producers prior to interviews. The hearings were called following a scandal in which the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica was suspected of improperly harvesting the personal information of more than 87 million Facebook users. Advocacy and promotion are easy to spot. Its worth noting that Edward Bernays himself is largely responsible for framing the history of public relations as a mostly 20th-century progression from press agentry to a sophisticated two-way management function that helps corporations understand public interests. In the context of the rise of e-commerce as a major sector in world economies, B2C is used to describe companies that sell products or services directly to consumers online. Reliability refers to the consistency and precision of a research technique: Does the instrument produce the same or comparable results in repeated trials? 3. Medtronic, Hurricane Cant Bend the R esolve of Medtronic Employees in Puerto Rico, October 9, 2017, accessed May 21, 2019, us-en/about/news/puerto-rico-recovery-resolve-ofemployees.html. Replicability is the ability to perform a research procedure or experiment repeatedly to attain comparable results. In a college or university, you would consider students, faculty, staff and alumni. They public relations must also decide whom to communicate with and whom to ignore. How do you know whether to use a long or short video? well. Bob Lauterborn, New Marketing Litany; Four Ps Passe; C-Words Take Over, Advertising Age (1990, October 1): 26. 4. Three key resources to consider in any public relations budget are personnel, administrative costs and supplies, and media. Each of the six provisions for conduct in the PRSA Code of Ethics is covered to ensure students have a firm grasp of the code that governs and sets guidelines for the public relations industry. He discourages hostile communication or flaming of critics or trying to sue them. Snapshot: #PRDefined Word CloudDay12, Public Relations Defined, accessed May20, 2019, http:// snapshot-of-the-public-relations-defined-initiativesubmission-day12/. 15. Person-Centric This characteristic reminds us not to get carried away with the product branding metaphor. 3. Kwikset, the lock company, marketed its Bluetooth-enabled Kevo deadboltUsers can simply touch the deadbolt while the authorized smartphone remains in their purse or pocket to unlock the doordifferently from a mature product like one of their standard key-operated deadbolts. Publicly available databases, including census data. If youve ever watched Mad Men or other portrayals of a client pitch, you can imagine the amount of preparation that goes into the proposal. Grove also was suspended is due! The number of women with racially or ethnically diverse backgrounds in director-plus positions at Kimberly-Clark in the United States doubled. VOLUNTEERS Managing relationships with volunteers involves a mix of external and internal communications. Anne Landman, BPs Beyond Petroleum Campaign Losing Its Sheen, The Center for Media and Democracys PR Watch, May 3, 2010, accessed May 20, 2019, 4. 3. Even in societies in which government restricts access to information, public relations practitioners play a major role in their companies efforts to engage with key stakeholders while complying with and respecting legal, economic and cultural boundaries. 40. See Accredited Business Communicator credential ABC Studios, 282 Absolut Vodka, 193 A/B testing, 203, 204f, 2067, 208, 213, 217 Accenture, 268, 367 Accident crises, 335 Accommodation, 32223, 324, 371 Accreditation, 24, 390 Accredited Business Communicator (ABC) credential, 24 Accredited in Public Relations (APR) credential, 24, 390 Action/acting hierarchy-of-effects model step, 153 implementation and, 17881 loyalty and diversity in, 195 planning for, 163 in principled public relations, 9, 178 Active publics, 128, 129, 132 Activists, 1089, 112 Actual malice, 295 ADCOLOR, 283 Ad Council, 283 Adidas, 365 Administrative costs and supplies, 16869 Advergize, 9 Advertising, 6365, 18687 corporate, 186 costs of, 6365, 6869, 16970 defined, 63 divergence and, 6365 institutional, 77 native, 186, 187 PR and marketing integration with (see Integrated marketing communication) PR compared with, 7778, 77t, 79 publicity compared with, 6869 safety and accuracy of, 3056 search, 65 Advertising Age, 71 Advertising value equivalency (AVE), 216p, 218, 221 Barcelona Principles on, 21617 defined, 64, 216 Advertorials, 80, 186, 187 Advocacy, 109, 221, 32324, 371, B2 brand, 279, 281 defined, 48 First Amendment and, 291 in journalism, discouraged, 5152 pure, 322 Adweek, 59, 192 Aerie, 70 Aflac, 121t African Public Relations Association, 24 Agencies, 38182, 383p, 384p Agencies Must Find Answers for a Lack of Diversity (PRWeek editorial), 195 Agility PR, 206t Agitation, 4648 Agreeing (hierarchy-of-effects model step), 153 Agricultural Relations Council, 24 Airbnb, 275, 276 Ajax, 9 Albertsons, 104p Alexander the Great, 43 Algorithms, 46, 190, 191, 220, 246, 247, 248, 248p All England Club, 99 Allstate Foundation Purple Purse, 7, 8p Allstate insurance, 109 Alm, Robbie, 4041, 3, 3p, 67, 81p, 82, 97, 98p, 12728, 127p, 187, 277, 29293, 310, 339 AMEC. Programmatic media buyingcommonly occurs via computer-run, real-time auctions. Google confers status. How many minutes of news coverage does a blood drive get on TV? Thinking more about your experience interacting with an organization via mobile media, what specific information do they now have about you? Realize the companys true character is expressed by its people. The center suggests that digital devices can create swift and encompassing cultural change in emerging economies, even more dramatic than the effect in developed Digital divide Gap between those people with countries.44 relatively little access to and use of Economic downturns, like recessions, can impact the public relations ininformation and communication dustry, too. Managers, experts and others with deep knowledge of an organization and its day-to-day and year-to-year options will appreciate knowing they avoided a boycott, illness outbreak, bankruptcy, product recall, lawsuit, embarrassing media scandal or any other potential crisis. Conversational voice An authentic, engaging and natural style of communication that publics perceive to be personable. The DOD employs thousands of peoplecivilian and militaryin public relationsrelated positions, and defense is only one sector of government jobs that include local, state and federal positions. If Ketchum is huge, Omnicom is huger. 48. D_GRANTHERMS_No_M201300287COAR3CV_/1. Readability Tests Every time an editor or reviewer reads through copy and offers feedback, they are helping with message testing. How do the contingencies in this case compare to what the public relations staff of large, complex organizations like United Airlines or British Airways face when they receive a customer complaint? Go to for Newsletter Signup! October 4, 2017, accessed August 26, 2019,https:// Remind employees about it when you see them face-to-face. The clip book was a three-ring binder that included all the print media coverage they had found and categorized. HUMAN INTEREST We relish stories of people overcoming great challenges or rising to the occasion to achieve amazing feats. Others are people who are affected by our organizations. Like Twitter, Weibo used to limit users to 140 characters per post but dropped that limit in 2016. Nowas youre thinking about legal issuesmay be a good time to review the terms of service for your Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat accounts. Some of the most in-demand communicators in public relations are those who Figure 10.1 Young public relations professionals may be at an advanunderstand current and emerging communitage in experience with emerging media and technology, but thats only part of the recipe for career success. The Barcelona Principles remind us about the importance of measuring outcomes, but we also need to remember that not all behavioral outcomes are equal when it comes to achieving our goals. Metrics available for online video sites like YouTube allow subscribers to see the number of unique views, the average view duration, the number of people who shared the material or commented on it and the content of those comments. Ive got wifi on my flight. After a crisis hits, it is much harder to engage in thoughtful dialogue with publics about what an organization can and should be doing. 18 In an email to Memeburn, Cape Town Partnership CEO Bulelwa Makalima-Ngewana explained that she had no reason to believe that Groves mistakes were made as part of her official duties at the organization, but she also noted, Personal and professional reputations are intertwined in the current social media climate.19 With that hard lesson learned, Grove returned to both social media and her job later in the same year. 4. See also Evaluation; Implementation; Planning; Research Rumors, 33435 Russian government (as a client), 59 SUBJECT INDEX 439 Saatchi & Saatchi, 60 Safeguarding confidences, 28385, 31416, B4B5 Salaries. . At the most basic level of management, a good timeline determines when to spend resources (such as time and money) on what. I still recall vividly the first day in my very first public relations course. Next time you listen to ads on a streaming music service like Pandora or Spotify (assuming you havent subscribed to the ad-free version), pay attention to how you pay attention. Volunteers and donors are among the most important publics for nonprofit organizations. About Us, Freedom House, https://freedomhouse .org/about-us. I zip my bag closed and lift it a few inches off the ground. Relational public diplomacy Engagement between a nation and its foreign publics in cultural exchange and two-way communication with the goal of achieving mutual benefits. Ensures discussions allow key stakeholders the opportunity to express opinions. Should city officials respond? Organizational crisis A major threat to an organizations operations or reputation. See Associated Press style AP Stylebook, The, 18788, 187p, 249 Aristotle, 43 Arkell, Bartlett, 37 Arnold, Chris, 180 Arthur W. Page Society, 17, 22, 111, 195, 219 Artifactual personal branding, 37880 Artificial intelligence, 277 Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 95 Asociacin de Relactionistas Profesionales de Puerto Rico, 24 Asociacin Mexicana de Profesionales de Relaciones Pblicas (PRORP), 24 Asorey, Natalie, 17071 Associated Press (AP) style, 239, 240, 241p Assurances, 89 Asymmetrical model, 28, 29f, 3538, 39, 371 case study, 3537 defined, 38 Atlantic, The, 259, 293 AT&T, 7, 120p, 128 Attainable objectives, 160 Attending (hierarchy-of-effects model step), 151 Attitudinal outcomes, 210, 212 Attribution, 29698, 302, 303 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licenses, 302 Augmented reality (AR), 5758, 57p Austin American Statesman, 253 Authenticity, 7, 21, 173, 174 Automated copy testing, 203 Automobile safety improvement, 39, 178 AVE. See Advertising value equivalency Award of Excellence (PRSA), 377 Aware publics, 128, 129, 132 Axe, 283 Babineaux, Codey, 43 Backgrounders, 24042 Backlinks, 247 Bacon consumption campaign, 3738, 37p Bad Bunny, 350 Baidu, 369 Baker, Joseph V., 4142, 41p Ball, LaVar, 7 Ball, Stephen (photo by), 297p Bandwatch, 267 Bank of America, 388 Banner ads, 64p, 65 Barcelona Principles, 20918, 211f AVE limitations (#5), 21617 communication outcome measurement (#2), 21013 goals and measurement as fundamental (#1), 210 organizational performance measurement (#3), 213 qualitative and quantitative methods (#4), 213 social media measurement, 217 (#6) transparent, consistent and valid measurement (#7), 21718 Bargiel, Andrzej, 75, 75p BarkBox, 177, 19192, 193f Barnum's Animals Cracker box, 1078, 107p B2B relationships. When college public relations campaign classes take on nonprofit organizations as clients, a common initial goal for the campaigns is to recruit volunteers. Thats reliability. 37. That said, some of the major categories are healthcare, sports and entertainment, political and public affairs, financial and entrepreneurial, consumer and international public relations. Rather, this means that the organization has had to accept, and live with, the consequences of its actions (or inaction). Public relations professionals often have the responsibility of deciding what is and isnt allowed on their organizations social media pages. Decrease Quantity of (eBook PDF) - The Public Relations Writer's Handbook: The Digital Age / Edition 2 . The only benefit companies get from these traditional, lengthy press releases is coverage, because many news websites publish feeds from PR Newswire or Business Wire. com/news/local/govt-and-politics/nagle-howard-deanwas-the-godfather-of-today-s-online/article_27fe18601861-5cd5-8459-e7bfd7be6c71.html. 144 CHAPTER 5|RESEARCH public relations scholars Shannon Bowen and Don Stacks point out, a primary weakness of utilitarian ethics is that the person who applies them can use them to sanction whatever he or she wants to maximize in their personal good outcomes, as opposed to maximizing the greatest good for the greatest interest in the public interest.28 The Institute for Public Relations measurement commission has adopted a statement on ethical standards in public relations research and measurement that promotes many core values beyond utilitarianism: All research should abide by the principles of intellectual honesty, fairness, dignity, disclosure, and respect for all stakeholders involved, namely clients (both external and internal), colleagues, research participants, the public relations profession and the researchers themselves.29 ICYMI In Case You Missed It The very first thing most of us do when we need an answer to a new question is hit the search button. Is the Lowes pinboard on Pinterest a tool for marketing or public relations? Ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi claimed the awards, but behind the scenes P&G had assembled a joint creative team from several agencies to produce the spot.

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